Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 36 years, prompt, please, what cream for eyes on sa...

11.07.2004, 01:55
Hello! To me of 36 years, prompt, please, what cream for eyes actually will help or assist to eliminate or erase;remove morshchinki. Used dear or expensive creams of firms De Kleor, Este Lauder, promising smoothing of folds in the field of eyes, alas, effect zero, the skin only looks or appears hardly more well-groomed, and morshchinki anywhere do not share. Whether there is in general such agent, or the plastic surgery can help or assist only? Thankful in advance for the answer!

11.07.2004, 22:57
Jeanne, has more recently appeared a cosmetic line from France, a class Lux which for certain not only will clean or remove morshchinki at eyes, but also * * them, t. To. In the course of time the upper eyelid as a rule begins * *. Write to me, I shall try to help or assist. vip6k@bk. ru

14.07.2004, 09:16
Hello! We recommend porobovat the Lift Assets of the French laboratory of Vichy for a contour of eyes. Yours faithfully, Vadim Viktorovich.

15.07.2004, 23:38
I thank, Vladimir Viktorovich, for attention to my question. I hope, that your reference will help or assist me to get rid of a problem. Success to you and good nstroenija! Yours faithfully, Jeanne

16.07.2004, 16:20
Sergey though I also am neispravimo-a grateful victim of everyone malo-malski competent advertising, but a word "for certain" confuses even me..:))) in any case, with pleasure would receive the information on this cosmetics and, probably, would try to use her or it but if it is an exclusive, that, I am afraid, there will be geographical complexities - I live in Israel. In ljuboi a case, thanks for attention to my question and success to you!