Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 26 years. At me tokaja a problem: already during 2 h years on...

25.06.2004, 12:11
Hello! To me of 26 years. At me tokaja a problem: already during 2 h years on the face after ugrja there is a nevus pigmentosus reminding rodinku, and it does not pass or take place. That you have advised me, that if to not cure, then to warn their education. Earlier I have transferred or carried the Infectious disease, I suffer the Allergic rhinitis, diskenezija zhelchevyvodjashchih ways. In the childhood I was bitten by a dog, since then I on the face still had scars. I heard, what is tatu corporal (beige) color, it is possible for them to hide my scars and what for this purpose is necessary? Whether there Are other methods for correcting the given defect? In advance I thank!

Hrebtova J.V.
29.06.2004, 10:49
Good afternoon, Anna. If on the face actually (rodinka), it or him it is possible to remove a nevus pigmentosus, instead of a nevus by means of peelings, local dermabrasion. Concerning cicatrixes - the way of treatment is defined or determined by their version, depending on it or this there are some methods of therapy - from dermabrasion up to usual mazevogo treatments.