Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please, at me on a cheek has jumped out pryshchik (internal). When tr...

13.06.2004, 21:14
Prompt please, at me on a cheek has jumped out pryshchik (internal). When I touch or I tamper with it or him paltsami-I feel under a skin shishechku. And on a skin two small transparent pryshchika. All this vmeste-is very morbid to the touch. A skin in this place red, it is similar to an abscess. Tell or say please, that to me to do or make, that it has more quickly passed or has more quickly taken place and what is it such. In advance thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
15.06.2004, 13:29
Hello, Victoria! A morbid place obrazatyvajte Zineritom or metrogilom. It is possible to put or render prisushivajushchie agents with antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory action (Vichy, Faberlic or others).