Просмотр полной версии : Consultation of the expert is necessary

27.10.2005, 05:03
Good afternoon. Five years ago at my mum there has come or stepped clinical mors because of a cardiac standstill. Many thanks to doctors but, that they have pulled out it or her from that light. From that day she lives with a stimulator. Last time began to feel itself badly, very low pressure, heart works practically on one stimulator, itself cannot. It is possible to stimulate with what laboratory assistants job of heart? In poliklinnikah offer is maximal-dear medicines, business not in the price, business in efficiency of these medicines. Prompt please as to me to be.

29.10.2005, 13:58
Begin with the control of job of a stimulator!
Probably its or his reprogramming - thresholds, sensitivity is required and to increase frequency of reductions.

From medicines if are not counter-indicative:
- Aspirinum,
- simvastatin,
- Enalapril or lizinopril.