Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctors! At me prolaps the mitral valve 1 items without regurgitatsi...

Svetlana, 28 years
27.08.2004, 15:49
Dear doctors! At me prolaps the mitral valve 1 item without a regurgitation, a superfluous chorda in a left ventricle, on last electrocardiogram are revealed " attributes of disturbance of intraventricular conduction; syndrome CLC - shortings predserdno-ventricular conduction ". Since the childhood is rare or infrequent ekstrasistolija, however recently (year) of an extrasystole have become frequent (almost every day) and their character has changed (from individual have turned in plural - a little successively, have appeared t. n. zamiranija), holterovskoe inspection has shown the same izmeninija. In an out-patient department have told or said, that no trouble, most likely, it is congenital defect. I am afraid, that there was "neurosis" on this ground. How much or As far as it is serious, whether it is necessary to pay on this or thus special attention?

Priests. And.
28.08.2004, 21:21
Syndrome CLC with attacks of tachyarrhythmias - the indication for electrophysiological research. Treatment - is similar to treatment of syndrome WPW. Look our archive " disturbances of a rhythm serdtsa/syndromes of preexaltation of ventricles "