Просмотр полной версии : It VSD?

21.08.2004, 12:16
Hello! Prompt me please. 2 weeks at me pressure keeps on a mark 130 80 (in rest) it is necessary to me to pass or take place from one room in another pressure at once rises up to 140 95 and last 3 days at me pulse keeps on a mark 90 100 (I did or made uzi hearts, in good) I think can it from vegetososuditoj dystonias, I gde-read that that pressure jumps should be at such zabalevanii, whether so it? Also that you to me will advise to accept from speeded up sertsebienija. In advance thanks

21.08.2004, 19:30
How old are you?
Illnesses or Diseases VSD in last classification of illnesses or diseases are not present!!!
Define or Determine the individual cardiovascular risk here. (http: // aritmii-net.narod.ru/arhiv/5.html)
If he (risk) low any treatment it is not required (since treatment more dangerously not treatments).
You can look or see norms or rates of arterial pressure here. (http: // aritmii-net.narod.ru/arhiv/10.html)

Advice or Council:
Look for the time or temporary reason of a tachycardia and rising of a BP.
It can be:
1. Stress and personal experiences (the husband, children, parents, job, habitation, money, etc.).
2. Previous or proceeding infectious and any other disease.
3. Reception of medicines (for example, contraceptive preparations).
4. Some kinds of nutrition raise or increase a BP and pulse (for example, coffee).