Просмотр полной версии : Headaches, the giddiness, unpleasant sensations in heart.

18.08.2004, 18:29
32 years, the woman.
Constant headaches (all head, especially a nape, a forehead, orbits), little bit decreasing by the evening (when darkens in the street), a giddiness (is more correct - feeling as though you will lose consciousness), at height of intensifying of a pain pereodicheski a nausea (the vomiting was 1 time during acupuncture in occasion of head + fields of vision), intensifying be ill or sick at job with a computer, viewing of the TV, a phone conversation, job with the bent head, a sharpness of vision (though there is a myopia of an average degree), at the open and closed eyes such feeling, that before eyes the heap of subjects and events in very fast rate "run", unpleasant sensations in heart, a photophobia, a boring from hum. Pressure thus can be - 1., 2. With rising diastolic and normal systolic, 3. With rising and systolic and diastolic pressure. A tachycardia up to 95-140 ud. In a minute. Pereodicheskoe feeling of internal pressure upon eyes. Pereodicheskoe a numbness of the face, arms or hand, backs, a stomach or belly and legs or foots (more often one face).
All this has appeared during pregnancy (since every day there were vegetative crisises on hypertonic type) and after a narcosis spent in April 2003 g by all this has amplified. After a narcosis me could not wake longly and I had a status which proceeds and on segodneshny day - as though all as in a dream, at opened or open eyes to me kazhetsja as though I sleep and on the contrary, in the evening when it is necessary to sleep at closing eyes I feel as though I sleep with the open eyes. This complaint has appeared outside of pregnancy, but only after a narcosis.
Treatment even slightly has not improved a status. The spent treatment - (TSipromil, Klonozepam, Fljuanksol - 6 months), Mildronat, Aktovegin, Veroshpiron.

Echo of KG of a head
KK-147,4 mm
=MS=TH=79,0 Mm
V 3=2,0 mm
=10,8 %
The basic signal of M-echo on a median line, 3 ventricle of =2,0 mm

REG heads
The left hemisphere - angiospastic type of disturbance of a cerebral hemodynamic, normal krovenapolnenie arterial vessels of a brain.
The right hemisphere - angiospastic type of disturbance of a cerebral hemodynamic, normal krovenapolnenie arterial vessels of a brain.
Pool left pozvonochnoj arteries - the mixed type of disturbance of a cerebral hemodynamic with prevalence of the vasomotor spasm, lowered krovenapolnenie arterial vessels of a brain.
Pool right pozvonochnoj arteries - the mixed type of disturbance of a cerebral hemodynamic with prevalence of the vasomotor spasm, lowered krovenapolnenie arterial vessels of a brain.
The conclusion - Volumetric pulsovoe krovenapolnenie within the limits of norm or rate in pool karotid, is moderate snizhenno in vertebrobazilljarnom pool. The tonus of arteries of a brain is raised or increased. Venous outflow is complicated.

The spectrum of a blood flow is not changed. LSK on didymous arteries. MAT without significant assimetrii. A blood flow on NBA physiologic. The venous component on orbits is moderately expressed.
The conclusion - is not present hemodynamically significant stenoses.

4. EEG
Background rhythms a .-rhythm frequency 10,5-11..., amplitude up to 40 mkv, regestriruetsja in central-parietooccipital departments (it is a little bit displaced to front). In-rhythm frequency 21..., low amplitude, it is moderately expressed in frontally--temporal departments. In forward departments regestrirujusja diffusive or diffuse individual and group (? It is not legible) waves not exceeding amplitude 35-40 mkv., inclined to bilateral synchronization. On this background regestrirujutsja moderated or moderate bileteralno synchronous flashes of waves and, (?) ranges amplitude 70-100 mkv and 50 mkv accordingly, pereodicheski with peak accent or stress that srpava at the left, a little bit amplifying at functional assays (the photostimulation and a hyperventilation) .reaktsija is expressed to activation. Reaction usvo... (?) Rhythms it is smoothed or maleficiated. MPA it is not expressed.
The conclusion - moderately expressed changes EEG reguljatornogo character with dysfunction of -diencephalic departments of a brain.

Are received 1 and 2 the weighed images sub and supratentoralnyh structures or frames and axial, saggitalnoj and face-to-face projections.
Median structures or frames are not displaced. Ventricles are not expanded, lateralnye - symmetric. subarohnoidalnye likvornye spaces are not expanded. Konveksitalnye sulcuses differentsirovanny. Stvolovye structures or frames without features. Focal changes in substance of a brain it is not revealed.
The pituitary body in sizes is not increased, its or his leg or pinch in median position.
In right gajmorovoj to a sinus (polyp) in the sizes up to 1012 mm, with sites krovoizlejanija is defined or determined pristenochnoe a thickening of a mucosa.
Mostomozzhechkovye angles without features. Tonsils of a cerebellum are located above line CHemberlena.

Relative sinusovaja a tachycardia, the CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE 90 minutes the Deviation or Rejection of an electric axis of heart to the left. polugorizontalnaja a position.
Rotation of heart along a longitudinal axis clockwise. Change of an atrial component as P-pulmonale. Attributes of change of a myocardium. Depression of amplitude QRS in thoracal abductions.

The aorta is not condensed, not expanded, joint-stock company = 3,2 sm (norm or rate 2,0-3,7) .levoe the auricle is not increased, LP 3,7 sm (the norm or rate 2,0-4,0) .polost a left ventricle is not expanded, KDR 4,9 sm (norm or rate 4,0-5,5), KSR 3,1 sm (norm or rate 2,5 - 3,8) .sokratimost a myocardium of a left ventricle satisfactory 0 (the norm or rate is less 28) .fv LZH 67 (norm or rate more than 59).
Zones gipo and akinezii - are not present. An interventricular septum not utolshchena, TMZHP 0,9 sm (norm or rate 0,7-1,1) .zadnjaja a wall of a left ventricle not utolshchena, TZSLZH 0,8 SM (norm or rate 0,7-1,1). A free wall of a right ventricle not utolshchena, TSPZH 0 (norm or rate up to 0,5). The aortal valve - cusps are not changed. The amplitude of disclosing is not reduced, AK 2,1 sm (the norm or rate is more 1,5) .mitralnyj the valve - cusps are not changed, the antiphase is. The right ventricle is not expanded, PZR 2,4 sm (norm or rate up to 2,9) .priznakov the pulmonary hypertensia is not present, SDLA 0 (norm or rate 25).
Attributes of a failure mitral (1 degree) and trikuspidalnogo (1 degree) valves. Transmitralnyj a stream normal.
The CONCLUSION - cavities of heart are not expanded. Hemodynamically insignificant mitral and trikuspidalnaja a regurgitation.

Survey of the oculist - (fresh data).
OU - a cornea transparent. ../to average depth, an iris structural. Optical mediums - a destruction of a vitreous of both eyes. An eyeground - DZN light pink, the reduced sizes, border precise, arteries narrow, places thready, veins of normal calibre, a retina pink, without the centers.
The conclusion. A myopia of a weak degree. A radial keratotomy (1990)
OS = 0,5-1,5D-1,0
Vasomotor spasm of a retina.

After a while will be given holterovskogo monitorings +.

What presumably the diagnosis and tactics.


19.08.2004, 11:34
Very much it would be desirable to see data of USUAL NORMAL inspection, instead of senseless REG, EEG and t.d.:
1. The clinical analysis of a blood (a hemoglobin, erythrocytes, the blood count, etc.).
2. The general or common analysis wet (density, erythrocytes, fiber, etc.).
3. The biochemical analysis of a blood (Saccharum, the general or common fiber, a cholesterin, a creatinine, a bilirubin, a potassium, a calcium, a urinary acid, nuclear heating plant, ALT, GGTP, an amylase, etc.)
4. The analysis of a feces on ajtsa worms and an occult blood.
5. Fibrogastroskopija.
6. US of kidneys.
7. A proctosigmoidoscope.
8. Data of last visiting of the gynecologist (including smears).

For advice or council to you to me also it will be important:
Whether there are at you personal problems (the husband, the child, job, sex, habitation, parents, etc.)?

19.08.2004, 19:05
1. The clinical analysis of a blood (a hemoglobin, erythrocytes, the blood count, etc.) - norm or rate.
2. The general or common analysis wet (density, erythrocytes, fiber, etc.) - norm or rate. Seldom - pojavljajutsja leucocytes (a maximum up to 10), bacteria, often lithates.
3. The biochemical analysis of a blood (Saccharum, the general or common fiber, a cholesterin, a creatinine, a bilirubin, a potassium, a calcium, a urinary acid, nuclear heating plant, ALT, GGTP, an amylase, etc.) - norm or rate. Once (2000) the level of a potassium has been lowered.
4. The analysis of a feces on ajtsa worms and an occult blood - it is negative. For a long time when that was the positive analysis on an occult blood.
5. Fibrogastroskopija - cicatrix on forward walls 12 p.k, a hernia of an esophageal aperture of a diaphragm
6. US of kidneys-norm. Survey of the urologist - tsistotsele.
7. A proctosigmoidoscope - augmentation of hemorrhoidal sites, a spastic colitis.
8. Data of last visiting of the gynecologist (including smears) .ot this doctor practically I do not get out, since I prepare for pregnancy. A smear normal, including on ZPPP, a blood on IFA - transferred or carried earlier TSMV, herpes. The transferred or carried diseases - not developing pregnancy with spontaneous discontinuing (1995,2003) on the same term. The reason - antibodies to HGCH, compatibility with the husband on HLA to system 2 classes, presence provospolitelnyh embriotoksicheskih NK cells (CD 16,56) .v the present or true moment to be spent preparation for pregnancy (djufaston, immunofan, limfotsitoimmunoterapija) .2000 - RDV in occasion of a -fibrous polyp endometrija.

Personal problems-
The husband - it is constant at job, to me gives not so a lot of time as it would be desirable,
The child - is not present any, we plan,
Job - domiciliary, job on phone, often at night or early in the morning (distant regions-Siberia, the Far East)
Sex - I would tell or say on an estimation 4 with a minus.
Habitation - hrushchevka, separately from parents, dvoem with the husband,
Parents - mum serious on character, the father last 4 years became + it or him postojano pulls in occasion of and without an occasion.


19.08.2004, 19:15
Data holtera so mnogostranichny at all I do not know as to write. According to the doctor-rising DAD up to 90-105 mm.rt.st. The GARDEN 90-144 mm.rt.st. The CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE average indices 90 ud. In a minute. Arrhythmias are not present.
t.k high DAD the doctor has recommended + +. For the present has not bought or purchased.

19.08.2004, 19:40
1. Digit of last hemoglobin.
2. On Holtere: the CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE maximal and minimal.
3. On Holtere a BP: an index of time (if in general someone considered or counted it or him).

Basic your problem - sterility or barrenness. From it or him all the others also follow. Check up the husband on sterility or barrenness: the analysis of a semen. HLA-compatibility in my opinion - obvious search (to you take for a ride). Can, as one of outputs or exits, - divorce (I do not wish to offend, but also constantly it is impossible to be in pink glasses or spots is is unhealthy).

With heart, I think, at All of you by way of. In 32 years even at the specified hypertensia your risk is minimal, therefore to accept medicines for pressure it is NOT NECESSARY. Especially nobody studied or investigated nebilet (nebivolol) and diuretic grasses.

Can treat a pyelonephritis/cystitis/URETHRITIS.

In a breast and giddinesses the hernia of an esophageal aperture of a diaphragm can give gravity. Treatment: after meal to not lay down, and 30 minutes to go. Before plentiful meal - a tablet motiliuma. For the night not is. To sleep on right to a side at night.

Chronic colitis. It should be treated! Otherwise will be strong to suffer mentality. Force itself to make an effort every morning on a toilet bowl. Before it or this for 30 minutes it is possible to drink a glass of cool boiled water. For the night to accept 3 - 5 table spoons of glyceric butter or oil (it is not soaked up).

Hemorrhoids. Can cause a bleeding. At women without beremennostej, more often in consequence or investigation of low sexual activity. If sites greater or big they need to be deleted. If small set, grease and mass. It is possible week popolzovatsja suppositories with krasavkoj (weaken or relax a sphincter from a spastic stricture).

Success to you and convalescences!

20.08.2004, 14:46
1. Digit of last hemoglobin - 130
2. On Holtere:
Rhythm sinusovyj.
Compare the CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE 88 ud. In a minute
Maks. The CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE 175 ud. In a minute (19.45 during a load on a velosimulator).
Minim. The CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE 48 ud. In minutes (07.18 during a dream)
Dynamics or Changes ST of a segment-
Episodes of depression of a segment more (-1,0) mm. It is not revealed. Episodes elevatsii a segment more (1,0) mm are not revealed.
Ventricular ectopic activity not zaregestrirovana.
Nadzheludochkovaja ectopic activity-
Single NZHES - 2
Steam rooms NZHES - 0
Jogs NZHT - 0
One. The maximal pause last 1,472 with. In 7.54 mornings.

On a BP greater or big tables, at all I do not know that to write. In the conclusion - rising IVDAD in the afternoon. Rising of an average day time DAD.

The table.
Day time-
Compare the GARDEN - 119
Var. The GARDEN - 11

Compare DAD - 86
Var. DAD - 6

Compare PAD - 32

Maks. The CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE - 131 at a BP 136/95
Minutes of the CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE - 71 at a BP 99/73

Indexes of a hypertensia
IVSAD - 3,4 norm or rate
IVDAD - 30,1 it is raised or increased

Night hours-
Compare the GARDEN - 104
Var. The GARDEN - 4
Maks. The GARDEN - 109
Minutes the GARDEN - 95

Compare DAD - 70
Var. DAD - 5
Maks. DAD - 79
Minutes DAD - 60

Compare PAD - 34

Maks. The CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE - 70 at a BP 106/75
Minutes of the CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE - 62 at a BP 104/69

Indexes of a hypertensia
IVSAD - norm or rate
IVDAD - norm or rate

Thanks for the answer.

20.08.2004, 18:21
I shall comment on monitoring an electrocardiogram and a BP.
Daily monitoring of an electrocardiogram (Holter) - NORM or RATE! The automatic device has given out a pause, but that is longer than 2 seconds is called as a pause, and at you less than 1,5 sec.
Monitoring of a BP. Key TWO last lines - WILLOWS is an index of time. Both for DAD and for the GARDEN - NORM or RATE!!!
In a life at the person at loads of a BP also should raise or increase, it is important, that the percent or interest such prevysheny was not above 25. At you NORMAL results of monitoring.

You need to solve your global problems.
Success to you!