Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Today at me heart few times vzbryknuno or has trembled or...

08.08.2004, 10:58
Hello! Today at me heart few times vzbryknuno or has trembled or has turned over or zadergalos in a breast (it is complex or difficult to pick up a word). Yes so strongly that seemed, that about ribs was hammered and in opinion of has darkened. It last 5, I very much was frightened. To me 34 years and I a lot of time take or spend houses one with small rebenkam-was frightened for children. Such happens sometimes, but 1 sec and redko-.chto it to me?

Fertser E.A.
10.08.2004, 22:43
Dear Julia! It is similar to extrasystoles and, most likely, it is not dangerous (See clause or article "ekstrasistolija" in the center of our page). But it is better to fix or record disturbance of a rhythm on an electrocardiogram having spent the daily allowance monitoring of an electrocardiogram on Holteru or telemetering observation. It probably to make in our clinic. If you live in Moscow communicate with me on el. To mail.