Просмотр полной версии : Kind one o'clock in the afternoon. Prompt please advice or council, for a residence - a distance...

07.08.2004, 03:10
Kind one o'clock in the afternoon. Prompt please advice or council, for a residence - distant. And advice or council is necessary here in what occasion: the Dull ache and a warm burning sensation in a thorax (from the right party or side from the center) especially on an exhalation, tolerantly, but on the sly starts to exhaust (today, for example, a pain was all the day). The pain has had an effect month about three back, on one point (on the right, top of a thorax). Whether It is possible to pound or triturate, put a cold??
P. S. To me 25, two children of 2.5 and 5.5 years. In the past of 6 years usilenno was engaged in track and field athletics (run on long distances), certainly, anything even similar was not, but after the first sorts or labors heart about itself reminded, and now pains in the top right half. In advance I thank for the answer.

Gaaze A.N.
08.08.2004, 16:30
Uv. Tanya! Consultation of the gastroenterologist is necessary.
It is necessary to exclude disease of a cholic bubble (stones? A cholecystitis?) Dalee-on circumstances.