Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, that such " abnormal trabekuly "? To My daughter, her it is fast...

08.08.2004, 02:09
Tell or Say, please, that such " abnormal trabekuly "? To My daughter, her it will be fast 6, did or made US of heart, in the conclusion have written: " Abnormal trabekuly in a cavity of a left ventricle of Open Company (1 mm). Disturbances of a hemodynamic it is not revealed ". It is dangerous?

Priests. And.
08.08.2004, 13:28
Additional (abnormal) trabekuly - muscular educations in a cavity of a left ventricle the hearts which are not carrying a functional load. As a rule, they do not break a hemodynamic and do not lead to any problems. Presence additional trabekul can cause hum in heart.
Potentially presence additional trabekul can be accompanied by disturbances of a rhythm of heart, however, if these disturbances were not to this day the probability is great, that they will not appear henceforth.
Open Company (the open oval window) - the report between auricles. It is present at the certain percent or interest of healthy people and at the small sizes (1 3 mm) does not lead to disturbances of a hemodynamic. It can also is spontaneous be closed.