Просмотр полной версии : Respond, please. Whether reduction norm or rate of a level of a cholesterin 8 is possible or probable...

04.08.2004, 10:25
Respond, please.
Whether reduction norm or rate of a level of a cholesterin 8, 8 is possible or probable. Month sat on a diet and a saw holestar. Has decreased up to 5, 6. Has stopped to sit on a diet again became 7, 5 Really now for life to sit on a soya and to drink medicines? If such level of a cholesterin the atherosclerosis is guaranteed?
To me of 57 years. Whether there are the medicines, capable to lower a level of a cholesterin on dolgtj term? Thanks

05.08.2004, 20:42
For month of a diet and reception of a medicine to normalize once and for all a level of a cholesterin not udastsja. To adhere holesterinsnizhajushchej to a diet pridetsja for life. In occasion of reception holetara and statinov - unequivocal opinions are not present others. But, as a rule, these preparations are appointed or nominated to faces without ischemic illness or disease of heart and a cerebral atherosclerosis only at an inefficiency of a diet and the program of physical trainings within several months.

07.08.2004, 06:59
Thanks, Tatyana.
Now I drink konkor on poltabletki in the morning and prestarium on poltabletki in the evening. Pressure 110 on 70. And what it is better to start to drink for dropping a cholesterin? To me have advised either zakor or atorvostatin. What it is in your opinion better? And can you will advise something more novon and radical?
In sports never was engaged, the senior lecturer of university, a way of life... Understand. This analysis has knocked me down. With what to begin changes I do not know.

07.08.2004, 18:05
The regimen of reception by you of a preparation prestarium is not quite clear. I suspect, that so you treat an arterial hypertonia. Well, pressure at you on therapy ideal. But I think, what prestarium here is exact at anything. In occasion of zokora or liprimara (atorvastatina) - both are effective enough, but after the termination or discontinuance of reception of preparations the level of a cholesterin will raise or increase again. Therefore, can vse-taki continue a diet? I can advise to spend also sessions plazmafereza - " purifications or ablutions of a blood ". Procedure is safe enough and effective. Ask more detailed questions you can on ph. 9280541 or on a site www. proportion. ru