Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, the doctor. Please, tell that such vegeto-vascular di...

01.08.2004, 12:04
Zdrastvujte, the doctor. Please, tell that such vegeto-a vascular dystonia with what its or her occurrence is connected, it is how much dangerous, whether obratimo this disease and as pleasures of a life get on with her and activity. Thankful in advance.

Gofman A.M.
02.08.2004, 08:36
VSD - "rasbalansirovannost" a vegetative innervation of an organism. At the person the nervous system consists of two parts. The first - somatic (soma - a body). She submits to will of the person and can to actuate at its or his desire those or other muscles, and also its or her maximum or supreme departments know thinking, speech, the letter, hearing and t. Item the Second - vegetative (vtgetum - a plant). She is responsible for life support of an organism and does not submit to will of the person: a metabolism, body height, palpitation, digestion and so forth the Vegetative system shares on two departments: sympathetic and parasimpatichesky. They correspond with each other as "plus" and "minus"! One department narrows a pupil, another - expands or dilates, one slows down pulse, and another leads to the palpitation, one vyddeljaet a saliva, and another dries a mouth and t. The item In norm or rate their tonus is approximately identical, but sometimes the tonus of one department prevails of another is and there is a dystonia (disturbance of a tonus). As a result at one palpitation, and at others - retardation of pulse, at one sweating also throws in fever, and at others - a cold fit. Often all it is accompanied razichnymi by unpleasant sensations and emotions, down to panic attacks. Depending on a kind of a dystonia - select this or that treatment. The Great value has a healthy way of life and controllable playing sports. You will find the additional information in our archive: http: // 03. ru/cardiology/index. shtml? section = 1052 and action = list