Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, what reasons of occurrence septic endomioka...

Surkova E.A., the lawyer
25.07.2004, 00:31
Prompt, please, what reasons of occurrence septic endomiokardita? What influences development of the given disease?
To me parents of the died tell-tale have addressed: to him have diagnosed a bacteriemic or bacterial endocarditis in a stage of an involution, with its or his this disease komissovali from army. He has died later month after komissovanija from septic endomiokardita N II-III. Prompt, that can. Thanks.

Zholudev A.A.
25.07.2004, 08:55
Look or See in the search engine jandeksa.

Surkova E.A.
26.07.2004, 08:11
I have looked or seen in the search engine of a Yandex, but the answer not from the programmer, and from vracha-the expert was necessary to me.

Zholudev A.A.
26.07.2004, 10:43
The reasons of occurrence of disease up to the extremity or end are not found out, speak about disturbance of immunity. The bacteriemic or bacterial endocarditis is polipozno-a canker of the valval apparatus of heart or pristenochnogo an endocardium, caused or called by various pathogenic microorganisms and accompanied a systemic lesion of internal organs on a background of the changed reactivity of an organism.
The basic clinical form of a bacteriemic or bacterial endocarditis is the subacute septic endocarditis - an original version of a sepsis.
Distinguish a primary bacteriemic or bacterial endocarditis when intact valves of heart are amazed earlier. The secondary bacteriemic or bacterial endocarditis develops on earlier changed valves and vessels at the got and congenital heart diseases, arteriovenous aneurysms, postinfarction or postmyocardial infarction aneurysms, after operations on heart and vessels, sometimes at a hemodialysis.
Distinguish the certain stages in current of an endocarditis:
1. Infektsionno-toxic,
2. Immunovospalitelnaja,
3. Dystrophic.
The septic endocarditis, can wear very serious current and is fast lead to mors of the patient. At this disease the valval apparatus of heart that leads to fast advance of a heart failure is amazed. Urgent transplantation of valves sometimes is required, and this operation is carried out far not everywhere.