Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my husband 21 year. We live in Moscow. Gde-that about one month n...

23.07.2004, 06:50
Hello! To my husband 21 year. We live in Moscow. Gde-that about one month back he suddenly was ill. First temperature, insignificant 37 and 2. Thought that usual cold. Have started to be treated Aspirinum and so on. In current of week the temperature nachla rosti, has risen up to 38 and even was 39 and 4. Have gone or send to the doctor, have made a picture, have told or said that a pneumonia and have put in hospital. In hospital temperature have removed or have taken off, but and have not put certain 7 (on one vypeske have written a chronic bronchitis, and on another a pneumonia). In a week the temperature has again risen up to 37 and 2, have again gone or send again to an out-patient department, us have directed to Ftiziatoru to do or make a picture of roots of lungs. After procedure it became known that with lungs and bronchuses that's all right. But Ftiziator has told or said that heart at it or him very much uvelichino, t. e. The left and right ventricles very much greater or big also has directed us to the cardiologic center. I do not know that there will tell or say, but I wish for to learn or find out earlier how much or as far as it seriously?
Yours faithfully,

Gaaze A.N.
23.07.2004, 22:35
Dear Olga! Very similar on a myocarditis with complication in the form of a failure of valves, depression sokratitelnoj functions of a myocardium.
It is possible or probable as a cardiomyopathy. Diagnostics usually on BRIDLES to diagnostics of heart.

Soldatenkova O.V. the cardiologist
24.07.2004, 01:24
Inspection for exception of the diagnosis of a fixing or lingering septic endocarditis is necessary