Просмотр полной версии : Already enough long time at me pulse of almost constantly 90 impacts in a minute...

Alexander, 25 years
14.07.2004, 16:42
Already enough long time at me pulse of almost constantly 90 impacts in a minute (pljus-a minus 5 7). And not after sportivyh exercises, excitement and t. Item, and even after a dream.
And I, as bud-that, "feel" this palpitation. If you lay on a bed and you will lay down on an arm or a hand, apparently, that all arm or hand "pulses". You lay on a stomach or belly (or on a back, but on a back only on an exhalation) - the stomach or belly "pulses"., etc.
And in general there is any unpleasant sensation in the left part of a trunk and in the left arm or hand.
And besides. Such impression, that air when I breathe, kak-that not so up to lungs reaches. I do not feel any obex in a nose (and in a mouth too), but there is any obvious difficulty at respiration through them.
I have noticed, that the above pulse, the worse with respiration (well or on the contrary) there is more).
Why this all?
Anything similar with me never was.
Such situation repeats even more often and disturbs me more increasing or more and more and more.
Very much nadejust on your detailed explanation of that with me.

Gofman A.M.
15.07.2004, 05:08
You are necessary for surveying. It is necessary to look or see a status of a thyroid gland and a level of the rests adrenalinopodobnyh substances in the urine collected for day, and also to pass or take place cardiologic inspection. I can not exclude formation at you on this ground of a neurosis.