Просмотр полной версии : Hello. The dear doctor! To my father of 77 years. He is a lot of years suffers g...

Gurevich of M..
08.07.2004, 11:22
Hello. The dear doctor!
To my father of 77 years. He is a lot of years suffers a hypertonia. 8 years ago he has transferred or carried operation on the open heart. Recently at it or him legs or foots very strongly swell, the unit of a liquid is extremely complicated. Doctors consider or count, what is it occurs or happens from disturbances of intimate or cardiac activity. How it is possible to adjust unit of a liquid from an organism?

The VIP-doctor
12.07.2004, 09:03
The opinion on presence of a heart failure is quite justified. And here purposes or appointments in this case - not for a forum. It is necessary to check up and pick up much of huge set of agents what fathers will be the optimal for yours.

Fertser E.A.
14.07.2004, 13:36
I shall add to the answer of the colleague what to treat it is necessary do not swell also a dyspnea or short wind, and their reason. (what operation is transferred or carried by your daddy and in occasion of what?) Modern preparations for treatment of a heart failure are rather effective and at correct laborious treatment of display serd. Failures considerably decrease or stop.