Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, within last 4 5 days I test constants is weak...

09.07.2004, 10:08
The dear doctor, within last 4 5 days I test constant weak pains in the field of sertsa, giving under a scapula and on all left arm or hand, especially in a brachium (pains in a brachium strong enough). The pain does not depend on loads. Also the general or common delicacy. To me 29 years, I smoke very much.

Zholudev A.A.
10.07.2004, 10:11
To smoke it is necessary to throw. A rational regimen of work and rest, a dream not less than 8 9 hours, the rational balanced delivery, vitamins and trace substances, regular exercise stresses (pool, veloviped, fitness, simulators in the good company). This everything, that is necessary for the amendment of health to your age.