Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctor Simon! For decrease of a cholesterin in a blood (moj-6, 7) me...

02.07.2004, 03:39
Dear doctor Simon! For decrease of a cholesterin in a blood (moj-6, 7) to me have recommended Adeps of sea fishes in the form of a new product " butter or oil ihtienovoe alimentary " in the form of preparation EJKANAL. In drugstores where I addressed, such preparation do not know. Respond, whether really such preparation exists, its or his action and where it is possible preobresti? I Look forward to hearing.

Simon (kdo-cardio@mail.ru)
03.07.2004, 07:25
Ejkanol exists, these are polynonsaturated fat acids. How old are you? If at you a cholesterin 6.7, begin about idle time gipoholesterinovoj diets. If want, I can send you a diet recommended by the European Society of the Atherosclerosis.

04.07.2004, 05:27
Dear doctor Simon! To Me of 49 years. If you mean 7 "gold" rules of a diet which keeping is necessary for elimination of disturbances of an exchange lipoproteinov, formulated by a commission of experts of the European society on studying an atherosclerosis (1987.) endurances or quotations at me are. I keep it or her.
In February under the reference of my cardiologist, I accepted LOVOMEG (at a level hol. 6, 2). After the termination or ending of a course - 1., Hol. Became 6, 7. For me it is strange, in 2000 keeping simply a diet, he was 5, 8. You have not responded where on sale it is possible to get Ejkanol and what its or his efficiency?
My address: dvan@ukr. net

Simon (kdo-cardio@mail.ru)
04.07.2004, 23:47
I dejstvitelno do not know, where it is possible to buy or purchase Ejkanol. In general, of advantage or benefit of polynonsaturated fat acids dovno doubt - they raise or increase quantity or amount of free radicals in an organism, and it is harmful. My advice or council - Lipobaj 0, 4 mg for the night.