Просмотр полной версии : The request to respond on vopros-As influence heart of an inoculation from a rabies and ge...

01.07.2004, 12:51
The request to respond on vopros-As influence heart of an inoculation from a rabies and a hepatitis, at the following zabolevanii-Dilatatsionnaja a cardiomyopathy, a relative failure metralnogo the three-cuspidate valve, disturbance of a rhythm of heart, normosistolicheskaja the form, a circulatory unefficiency of 2 degrees. Emission in blood EF has fallen with 50 up to 43. Medicines applied - RENTEK, EGILOK, DIGOXIN, VIROSHPIRON, TROMBO ASS.
The request to recommend the form of behaviour at such disease

01.07.2004, 19:33
Vo-the first, a rabies - a dangerous infection with a lethal outcome, therefore, bacterination in cases of stings, probably, sick animal, is obligatory. As to acute hepatitises at these diseases there can be attributes of myocardites (an inflammation of a cardiac musle), but as a rule, their current rather easy or light;mild. The form of behaviour at your disease - strictly to adhere to purposes or appointments of the doctor concerning a way of life and reception of medicines. The approach to treatment, by the listed preparations, basically, correct. Though I would add Hypothiazidum or Furosemidum instead of (or besides) veroshpirona. But, to your doctor, probably, it seem to know better.

02.07.2004, 22:15
The dear doctor, many thanks for the answer, in doplnenii to my question it would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion on a preparation "DELATREN", can you heard about itself as to me have told or said, this preparation concerns to a new series of medicines and replaces on action three preparations which I apply. The doctor, I know what to smoke it is not impossible, but I can throw, is not ready yet, something can you to me will advise?