Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Wished to take an interest at you. To my mum of 45 years. Here 4 year...

10.06.2004, 22:41
Hello. Wished to take an interest at you. To my mum of 45 years. Here 4 years she muchietsja with a high pressure (260 on 150), and working at it or her became 200 on 120. How much did not try or taste different medicines, and below 200 does not fall. One doctors speak, it from a struma, others from heart. Wished to ask you advice or council. Thanks in advance

The anonym
12.06.2004, 15:31
Kidneys checked, it's OK. Did or made a picture of a cervical vertebra. Have told or said that iz-for shchemlenija kakogoto a vertebra there is a pressure. But the doctor nevropotolog has told or said that such pressure from it or this cannot be.

14.06.2004, 09:32
The specified reason of a high pressure most likely is not correct. Whether such inspections as were spent: - ST Angio kidneys and pochesnyh vessels; - definition of the hormonal status including a hydrocortisone, AKTG, renin/an angiotensin, epinefriny, a serotonin of thrombocytes; - ST an abdominal cavity.