Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my mum have diagnosed - a neuralgia, have told or said, that she gi...

06.06.2004, 13:59
To my mum have diagnosed - a neuralgia, have told or said, that she gipotonik and for it or her pressure differences are very dangerous. Have written out many medicines: no-shpa, balm "Asterisk", Papazolum, Valocordinum, and also diclofenac, after diclofenac it or she had a pain in the field of a belly-button. This preparation is appointed or nominated to remove or take off an inflammation trojnichkovogo a nerve. Whether to accept it or him to destination the doctor?

Podzolkov V.I.
06.06.2004, 17:44
Diclofenac (valtoren) is counter-indicative to the faces having zaboleanija of a stomach and 12 and perstnoj intestines. Occurrence of abdominal pains can be consequence or investigation of influence of the given preparation on a mucosa. Stop reception and seem to the gastroenterologist.