Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctor Gaaze! It you is disturbed by Galina from Riga. Excuse for zader...

04.06.2004, 00:59
Dear doctor Gaaze! It you is disturbed by Galina from Riga. Excuse for a delay with the answer - simply I can not receive the conclusion of that an electrocardiogram with a ventricular extrasystole in any way. My operating time coincides in due course jobs of my doctor. As I learn or I find out - I shall necessarily write. The cardiologist, looked at once this Membranula or film has told or said, that an extrasystole not malignant. At veloergometrii (is more correct, after it or her) were very frequent nadzheluzhochkovye extrasystoles. Holter I can not be interrogated at one doctor - one do not do or make is out-patient, others speak, that it is not necessary to me))))). Ridiculously, the truth? Considering that before acceptance Allapinina and Sotalola I drank Metoprolol and Enap and on a background of it or this had on neskolku attacks in day supraventricular parokstahikardii, I suspect, that some times with an atrial flutter. At me mum vrach-the therapist (on pension) and she listened to me during attacks. And samochustvie thus was, to put it mildly, simply awful - the strongest dyspnea or short wind, delicacy, a semiconscious status, - after pristupov-a strong shiver and a cold fit...
Allapinin I vsyo-taki while poprinimaju. Etmozol did not try or taste, and Etatsizin did not help or assist. By the way, after Allapinina PQ became 0, 142. Before was - 0, 105; 0, 11; the biggest - 0, 128
The doctor, and you can look or see mine EFI?
I could send you one of these days on e-a mail.
With uv., Galina (the truth, not from street Lachplesha:-))

Gaaze A.N.
04.06.2004, 06:36
Certainly, dear Galina! I have not remembered, that Lachplesha is written together, however and the Ethmosinum, instead of Etmozil:)). The truth about necessity of its or his application for yours sluchae-later.

05.06.2004, 15:41
And to be mistaken it is impossible:-))