Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctors! At my grandmother a hypertonia of thirds of degree. Yesterday top davl...

02.06.2004, 08:18
Dear doctors! At my grandmother a hypertonia of thirds of degree. Yesterday the top pressure has risen up to 240. And today 220 on 120. Except for that at it or her a problem with vessels of a brain. She goes time 5 to a toilet at night. Recently at it or her the head is turned and heart hurts. The doctor came and has registered: Arifon 1 tab. in day Prestarium 1 tab. 2 of time in day Verapomil 1 tab. 2 of time in day Kapoten half tab. 2 of time in day Also suggests to put a course domiciliary from 10 droppers with fiz. rasstvorom. Whether it is Enough it? What for droppers are necessary? Big to you thanks! I do not live in one city with the grandmother and - to it or this could not ask on all the doctor.

Egorov I.V.
04.06.2004, 07:24
Maria, we do not select treatment in a forum. Probably, its or her pressure deserves more "serious" medicinal scheme or plan because prestarium acts on pressure very weakly. And droppers with fiz. A solution - a nonsense...