Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! I am am disturbed with a following problem. 4 months ago me le...

19.05.2004, 20:46
The dear doctor! I am am disturbed with a following problem. 4 months ago me treated for a prostatitis and a vesiculitis. Did or made fizioprotsedury, pricked prostatilen and immunomoduljator, pricked Gentamycin. After nyxes to hurt or be ill;be sick there were strongly legs or foots, I even stumbled at walking. In 10 days after the beginning of treatment veins on nogah-as though varices have started to increase or be enlarged.. But at me it or him never was, veins have increased at once and strongly, for 3 4 days.. Later 5 6 more days I have woken up because, that at me heart was ill, it hurted or was ill;was sick 5 7 days, veins on arms or hand (all over again on left, then on right) have simultaneously started to increase or be enlarged. All this too within 3 4 days. Later 2 weeks of a vein have increased even on a sexual member in this connection the erection has strongly worsened, after reception venotonikov-Detraleksa and Trentalum the situation has still worsened, after a cancelling of preparations was slightly normalized. For today: veins on ALL body are increased, has passed or has taken place 3 months, any positive shifts. Checked serdtse-except for prolapsa the mitral valve of anything especial, is osteohandroz, from 5 years I am flied or treated from episindroma. Main vopros-THAT to me TO DO or MAKE THAT VEINS HAVE come To NORM or RATE, And WHETHER IT is possible or probable AFTER 3 MONTHS of SUCH STATUS? Thanks for attention and patience. Yours faithfully, Anton.

20.05.2004, 13:22
P. S. Whether to me very important ponimat-could prolaps arise from the spent therapy immunomoduljatorami, whether it is possible kak-to reduce it or him that? The matter is that at me till now (beginning or starting 3 months ago) from time to time aches a bit heart, earlier never hurted, a pain gives to the left arm or hand. By the way, in day when I have woken up with a pain in heart and when at me veins on an arm or a hand have started to increase or be enlarged, that day the left arm or hand strongly shivered, as from a nervous habit spasm, day 2 3. Now the shiver has passed or has taken place, the pain in heart and any not clear gurgling sounds as though through it or him pump over gaz-all this remains. prolaps 1 degrees, the return current is, from 1 up to 2 degrees. What to me with it or this to do or make? A question in osnovnom-what to do or make with veins, potom-what to do or make with heart? How to reduce pains and prolaps? Thanks!

Gaaze A.N.
21.05.2004, 15:18
Dear Anton! - visible at you the latent form of a failure of valves of a venous bed or channel, or (it is necessarily necessary for checking up!) a syndrome of a portal hypertensia. Eto-to hepatologists!
Indomethacinum under the certain circumstances can initiate such changes.