Просмотр полной версии : The doctor tell or say how much is treatment and diagnostics of a ciliary arrhythmia...

16.05.2004, 20:31
The doctor tell or say how much is treatment and diagnostics of a ciliary arrhythmia. And where it or he can be passed or taken place...

andrej 38
18.05.2004, 05:09
Three years the constant form of a ciliary arrhythmia (normoforma), come or stepped as a result zabolevanija-auitoimunnogo teriodita, teriotoksikoza is observed, I accept constantly sotageksal on 160 in day, the status was normalized, but martsalka does not pass or take place, it would be desirable to learn or find out possible or probable variants of treatment and the forecast for the future, yours faithfully

Slobodjanik VV (doctor)
18.05.2004, 08:07
Research of the reasons of a ciliary arrhythmia is job enough laborious and as a rule, such research are carried out only in large aritmologicheskih kardiotsentrah. In each clinic there is a system of payment, or hospitalization of patients in a direction, or on pole DMS.
Andrey, in your case is necessary selection of antiarrhytmic therapy. However, exercise of the given therapy without stabilization of a thyrotoxicosis (normalization TTG up to normal parameters), will not be dostotochno perspective. Sometimes for restoration of a sinoatrial rate can electric cardioversion, or a surgical intervention (radiochastonaja abljatsija) is required.
In the forecast on budujushchee, it is necessary to remember the most terrible complications of a ciliary arrhythmia - a thrombembolia. Accept necessarily antiagreganty - Aspirinum, or its or his analogues.

Matskeplishvili S.T.
18.05.2004, 12:10
Diagnostics of the reason and treatment of a ciliary arrhythmia can be passed or taken place in our Center. Performance chrespishchevodnoj is necessary for an echocardiography for exception of a clottage ushka the left auricle at the decision of a question on restoration of a rhythm. Whether you tireostatiki - accept Mercazolilum, etc.?