Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At me pressure 130 140 on 90 100, n stably keeps...

07.05.2004, 22:32
The dear doctor! At me pressure 130 140 on 90 100 stably keeps, but I do not feel it or him. Sometimes raises or increases up to 160/110. I have asked the doctor to register to me a medicine to remove or take out pressure, when it very high, but he has told or said what to accept medicines against pressure it is necessary constantly, not stopping. I always thought, that it is possible to treat pressure courses. What do you think in this occasion? And more one problem while I do not drink medicines I feel normally when I start to accept tablets I lose taste of peep, I become somnolent or giddinesses begin. In advance thanks

Matskeplishvili S.T.
09.05.2004, 07:35
The doctor of the rights, in most cases (if to not eliminate or erase;remove the reason of a hypertensia) reception preperatov needs to be continued constantly. Try to begin with a simple combination - Arifon 1 t. In the morning on an empty stomach and Konkor 5 mg 1 r/d in the morning. By-effects of such combination are minimal.