Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Tell or Say please, what quantity or amount of coffee is considered bezopasn...

The magician
07.05.2004, 07:42
Tell or Say please, what quantity or amount of coffee is considered safe?
I drink every day in first half of day on 2 3 cups of an instant coffee.
To me 22 years. prolaps m/to.

Priests. And.
08.05.2004, 23:13
The reasonable quantity or amount of coffee is safe. For different people this size varies over a wide range. It is better to not go to far and to not drink more than two calyxes or calicles of black coffee in day. Also it is not recommended to use this drink on an empty stomach.
As if to an instant coffee - in different banks the different quantity or amount of a coffeine contains. I recommend to drink only good grades and to not abuse (we shall tell or say, no more a teaspoon of a powder in day).
Be guided on the state of health.