Просмотр полной версии : Pains about the left scapula

10.01.2004, 23:50
Mum recently had pains about the left scapula. At pressing it manages to find certain centers from which this pain proceeds. At it or her ischemic heart disease. Whether this pain can be connected with heart? How it can be checked up?

12.01.2004, 14:05

Pains in the field of a scapula, especially if it is possible to find concrete painful points, most likely with heart are not connected. It can be caused by an osteochondrosis of a backbone or an intercostal neuralgia. The pain which is characteristic for ischemic illness or disease hearts (stenocardia) arises as a rule behind a breast bone, is connected with physical or emotstonalnoj a load and is very short-term (no more than 10 minutes).