Просмотр полной версии : Pressure low

12.12.2003, 21:45
At me nao?N?110 \90, whether it is connected with disease of heart,
The raised or increased bottom border that it is possible to accept excites
For normalization of pressure. An arrhythmia during a dream in the afternoon,
Sometimes sharp pains in the field of heart, it is difficult to breathe.

21.12.2003, 10:48

Before to start something to accept it is necessary to find out the possible or probable reasons of rising of pressure of a blood. First of all, it is necessary to exclude renal disease. If it will appear, that that's all right, it is necessary to exclude salty, to increase physical activity, to lower weight (if he is raised or increased), to refuse smoking. Only in the event that all these actions will not help or assist, it is necessary to start to accept tablets. As to sharp pains in the field of heart they most likely are connected with an osteochondrosis of a backbone.