Просмотр полной версии : Analyses

13.08.2005, 17:01

In hospital have told or said correctly, and prohonour it is possible a lot of unreliable information about it or this is it is necessary to know as to distinguish that the truth and that is not present. The transferred or carried flu does not influence result (well if to be up to the extremity or end exact the flu in rare or infrequent cases could give false positive result, that would easily be found out at the confirming test or dough;father-in-law).

Whether to hand over later - depends on desire of the person. To recommend to hand over the test in a floor of year it is possible, at parenteral risk of transfer of a virus, instead of after sexual contact.

I congratulate you on a minus!

Paul 2
13.08.2005, 20:53

Sushchstvujut standard statistics, a minus in 3 months - that the HIV is not present 95-98 % of that, 6 months - 99 % of 12 months - 100 % the Percentage parity or ratio kolebletsja within the limits of "+" "-" 5 % depending on treatment. Here also do or make on the basis of it or this the conclusions.


Question to you, whether and a horse-radish you here stick out time such moralist? Submission of your opinion it is absolute debilna, I shall not be surprised, that in a real life you snuffle in two holes and boishsja on a muzzle to obtain, or you is constant chmyrjat all to that not laziness.

The doctor Lena
31.08.2005, 06:52
I handed over analyses 2 and 3 months, both is. Before handing over the analysis 3 months has had been ill with a flu. Whether it influences analyses?

In general, I read, that spid/o?? at 80 % it is possible to reveal only in 6 months And in hospital have told or said, that already through for 3 months is usually shown.