Просмотр полной версии : My dear Seaman, Rex, Alex

26.12.2004, 10:04
To admit, I am strongly flattered by so frank interest to my modest person among a man's part of our forum. Any girl does not cause or cause such aversion, envy, desire something to prove and put " on a place ". I already start to understand stars of our show business for even them do not discuss so jaro and is hot, as me.

Dear Seaman,

I hurry you to disappoint. Anybody never puts photos to the resume. You, what, never in a life dispatched or delivered them? Modesty-great advantage of the person. Probably, therefore I do not consider or count myself as a beauty. Though... All rather. It is remembered, when was the student, won competitions of beauty at university. If you were self-assured and worthy the Man (and worthy the man never begins to enter in long prerikanija with the woman), that, probably, we with you would make friends, and I would send you as Lisssu, the photo, time she so is interesting to you. Lisss - exclusively decent or considerable person and he NEVER will show them to you. So, it is necessary to you to be content only with its or his modest comment on my modest person:

Date: 04.11.04 Time: 18:45

From: Lisss

Only do not speak, that in the man, at such beautiful girl dolny to be worthy men

Reks, zajchishka - the little coward, good mine,

Who appointments, that to you " have filled a muzzle " in 12 one o'clock in the afternoon (!), moreover in crowded (!!!) a place (at the underground)? You, what, never fighted? You still would agree to meet at 6-th police station or on the Red Area where it is more than militiamen, than passers-by. That, if, that, was where to hide cowardly...... It is pleasant to disappear behind the monitor of a computer and to build of itself strong and courageous? Well, that..... It too is quickly treated - by pair exact impacts. Though, surrenders to me, from you one will suffice also.

Alex, the sun,

Where you vanished all this time? I have already become bored or have already missed on you. It is impossible to leave the girl one on so longly. You know, after viewing film "Bumer" couple of weeks back, I have understood, that such men as you - with gangster to manners, near intelligence and a cute attractive face are my dream. Only, here, the machine or car at you has pumped up or made a mess. Audi 4 (at all A6), moreover 2000 year............. Real boys go on bumerah, that is on BMW.

... Reksushka, by the way, and at you what machine or car? A bicycle "Mishutka"? Or on two (if an occurring has appointed or nominated on the OUTPUT or EXIT from the underground)? Well, anything... Still at you ahead. And in general, the main thing that the soul was perfect, and a matter..... The matter - she is secondary.

13.01.2005, 11:40
Clever it is possible to name only that person who is capable posmejatsja above by itself. If it or this is not present - can though up to oduri to be measured IQ and power of drives...

Well, it is natural, IMHO...

For Simena and Reksa: If you consider or count the person near (the stinker, a silly woman, etc.)-who forces you with it or him in discussion to enter??

25.02.2005, 13:01
Date: 04.11.04 Time: 18:45

From: Lisss

Only do not speak, that in the man, at such beautiful girl dolny to be worthy men

Yes. I once again potverzhdaju, that the given phrase have told or said I and the opinion I shall not change.


It is class, very much it was pleasant to me.

04.03.2005, 14:26
Yes nobody forces, it is simply amusing to look or see that else such the Enigma will break away, how much dung around nakidaet)) Can under dung gold?)) and still me amuses that thinks itself the cleverest but so easily is got or started and gives in on provocation))

24.04.2005, 09:26
"... Was the student... At university. "

"... prerikanija... ":-E hi

Lebedeva N.V.
25.05.2005, 12:10
It is flattered, that demands to me are so high, that start to do or make the -check of my topics Salute, the Moderator!

29.05.2005, 21:30
Yes I read all successively... Believe, I hope?, - only for something eyes cling, here and was not kept from kommetarija:-Q.

26.06.2005, 16:28
Yes all ok)

03.07.2005, 17:26

Well and how impressions of all read through? Probably, ridiculously actually? To me it is ridiculously done or made)))

We sit here, IQ it is shone... And we sit all in a heap of dung And we potter about in this heap, as larvas))))

13.07.2005, 12:07
Well you, that you)) Here larvas, and are in fact the BUTTERFLY))) Hatched already)))

27.07.2005, 19:46
Well here now my opinion independent of my attitude or relation to people and my attitudes or relations with these people.

All the day waited, wished to look through to the extremity or end reaction.

I already spoke an Enigma, that it or her at times "brings". Me too. The occasion pogorditsja is.

At an Enigma swore each time as met at a forum. But I and at it or her have feeling of a measure and ability to go on the compromise.

In general, if you consider or count the person as the fool to argue with it or him - to prove, that you the same fool. Especially to argue with the woman unworthy business for the muzhik, especially, when you apply on " not a goat ".

The topic " For Jane " intended for Jane. In someone's address I there have not seen any insults and attacks. If the Enigma also has told or said there something, just that at this forum she can understand, not understand, despise, be kind people. Simply cannot LIKE. Also it is not obliged, at me all in the same way.

I have not understood, because of what such dirty scandal has risen? You that, apply for its or her love? And if is not present, what feature of all this?

Well let the person she sharp, but can a share of true in its or her judgements is? What you so touches? Its or her pride of? So can brag is better in the answer of the achievements, than arrange vile squabble?

What woman would not be, the man should be cleverer. And here and now it or this it is somehow imperceptible.

I consider or count, that the Enigma a little bit incorrectly presents itself. But explain to me why then I could adjust with her attitudes or relations from the very beginning, despite of constants pererugivanija between us why despite of the troublemaking character and constant jeers above inhabitants of a forum I all the same manage almost with all to find common language?

You here and and it or her reproach me with arrogance. It not the arrogance, is pride. And here at you here now blunt self-conceit. So show the pride if, certainly, be able. Either mind or wit. Or advantage (only not what has resulted or brought you here). And in general, it is a shame, boys, it is very a shame with your behaviour.

04.08.2005, 16:07
Ugu Concordant, let only an Enigma mine nik does not use in any topics (praising me what I of type noble)) abusing what I)) and I shall not irritate it or her the swine) Hear an Enigma, solemnly to you it I promise)

Dr. Tatyana
05.08.2005, 19:28
Jane, the sun, you where were gone from aski?

09.08.2005, 20:29
Aska gljuchit all the day.

10.08.2005, 01:06
Much at this forum does not suffice uienija to forgive the near and here you look at times cling to each insignificant word))

Certainly known: " Love the near as itself ", inaccessible height for all us, but all to IT or THIS though somehow it is necessary to aspire, probably, then there would be no this alarm.

Ah arrogance, arrogance.... zlodejka.

Here F.Kirkorov could apologize at once before the woman and only would win is hundredfold.....

And Enigma, she has ingeniously turned out almost all as speak inside out but so can like her pohohmit, pokurazhitsja,

To feel height of rise of the idea, but here only from this height it is possible with a roar and to fall........

And nevertheless to accompany to her, and all here.....

10.08.2005, 01:51
ES, the matter is that at all the problems, let alone a problem which of us unites many. This chronic stress very strongly changes mentality. I and behind myself began to notice, that less we suffer or bear to people and their delicacies.

11.08.2005, 03:46