Просмотр полной версии : Has got accustomed statejka

30.05.2005, 19:18
http: // spb.ecology.net.ru/enwl //2004/05/12_03.htm

The boy-employee suddenly today has sent this link to me. Was frightened, having read through, probably. Arms or hand pootrubala to those goats who infu in the Internet has thrown this. In fact hardy statejka it has appeared, year 3 goes on and-is not present, people believe, however, are frightened.

Tamara Kulaga
15.07.2005, 21:24
The letter of happiness

02.08.2005, 01:22
" All needles have appeared a HIV-positive. "

Abruptly.. Here it is terminology.. To needles have diagnosed.. ofiget..

09.08.2005, 02:46
mda, people has nothing to borrow or occupy. Statejka mrachnovataja. And silly odnovrmenno. Are not loaded.