Просмотр полной версии : How you think?

09.06.2005, 06:14
Prompt in December of the last year there was a communication or connection with the prostitute. (only minet without prizervativa) in March there was one more contact to the unfamiliar girl on etot time oral sex from both parties or sides. In 3-4 days after etogo the eruption in a throat has begun. Week felt badly more shortly. Has then lost 10 kil. And here since then always I see at myself signs vich. In the extremity or end of May has handed over onaliz on vich. Negative. Have told or said that there is no sense perezdavat. (I am in Israel) AFTER RESULT HAVE again typed or collected the 10 KILO))))

Here now I am am excruciated again with suspicions. Vision kakoeto bad became. Sharpness bad at solntse.gorlo reddened.

Prompt that eto can be or hotjaby what to do or make. To hand over again strashnovato. But with drugo the parties or sides has already bothered to think constantly about etom. The floor of year has thrown out. From a head there is no all business or affairs go to hell.


In advance thanks if who will respond!!!!

Anja With
09.06.2005, 18:23
The maid that beautiful was?

12.06.2005, 04:25
Rum, it is necessary to you to the good psychotherapist.

And it not a joke. Do not hesitate to visit or attend this expert. The competent doctor will help or assist you to get out of this situation and is possible or probable without medicines.

27.06.2005, 23:08
The maid that beautiful. But that not stoit.skoro I shall turn grey.

06.07.2005, 13:11
And about the psychotherapist it is a shame as-. I invent illnesses or diseases chtoli. The throat cannot is simple so red byt.i eto not an angina.

And generally. Itself I do not know.

As think can costs or stands peresdat. The analysis was called ELISA speak he shows presence of a virus only in 3 months

21.07.2005, 17:04
He) who about what and Rum about a bath) peresdaj, peresdaj.

26.07.2005, 00:10
Be checked up- Rum, on gerpesovirusy, including TSMV and EBV

31.07.2005, 22:48

Well prisovetoval))) this minute Rum vzlohmachivaet all poiskoviki again losing precious 10 kilo))

Julia Alimovna
05.08.2005, 05:01
Well bli that now that to think. Here has read through

u?o-INFECTION at patients with the lowered immunity. TSMV most often amazes recipients transplantiruemyh organs. Signs of an infection: a fever, a leukopenia, a hepatitis, a pneumonitis, an esophagitis, a gastritis, a colitis, a retinitis. The period of the maximal risk is necessary on 1-4- month after transplantation. The maximal risk of disease above at a primary becoming infected. After transplantation of a liver there is a ?o-HEPATITIS, after transplantation of lungs - the ?o-PNEUMONITIS. He also develops at 15-20 % of patients-recipients of an osteal brain and gives a lethality of 84-88 %. TSMV often find out in patients from a HIV-infection. In process it is involved GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT (including ulcers of an esophagus and a colitis). The ?o-RETINITIS - the main reason of development of blindness at AIDS.

I repeat......... The main reason of development of blindness at AIDS.

05.08.2005, 10:25
))))) Listen druzhishche, in the right top angle of the monitor there is a dagger, click on it or him with the mouse or mousy and use advice or council andrew p

06.08.2005, 18:25
Descend or Go to the venereologist, and hand over analyses on all

06.08.2005, 18:47
I went to the doctor. Speaks we do or make the analysis on vich and a lues. zdal on a lues. Negatively.

Wild and about the Internet you are right all our illnesses or diseases only from it or him. Has read through and nachinaesh to search. Still couple of days also I shall disconnect or I shall switch-off it or him on couple of months to hell

07.08.2005, 01:06
emeil stuntmen mail ru.kto stuntmen you or we?