Просмотр полной версии : Prompt!

25.10.2004, 17:36
Prompt, please. One month ago (2.11) in me have found out bleeding ulcer, have put in hospital and have made a hemotransfusion. In a week have appointed or nominated 10 dnevnyj a course of laserotherapy (into a vein insert a needle and shine the laser) that the adhesion went more quickly. All the days long there was a delicacy and sometimes dryness in a mouth, spoke that from an anemia (a hemoglobin small). And from this Thursday hrenovo itself I feel, the morbid status as-as if the heat, and t was a maximum 37.2, and that till some hours and so t in norm or rate, also constant dryness in a mouth and in a throat (the throat does not hurt, the rhinitis is not present), and me electric irritates light, a chair normal (not diarrhea) but color for some reason ponosnyj red: today has handed over a blood on any viruses: Tell or Say please I could pick up because of transfusion of what- HIV? And why laserotherapy is counter-indicative to people from a HIV and td.?

28.03.2005, 04:24
Blood preliminary check, though the HIV comes to light or is taped after a while... There are many other illnesses or diseases

03.05.2005, 15:38
So somebody can will respond why it is impossible to do or make laserotherapy at vich? And in general that with me, what can be? Overwork is simple can (though I think since Thursday 37 cannot be)?????? Please???

29.07.2005, 06:57
Have no right to refuse. Advice or council correct - court.

Other variant - to go to the local center of struggle with vich/??n - will give a direction in corresponding or meeting hospital (on a structure).

05.08.2005, 14:53
Hello, at me the trauma, a clavicle has come off a scapula, what that joint is torn is necessary operation but as at me vich an infection, in mesnoj to hospital to me have given up in treatment, do not prompt where to me can perform operation!??

Have given up on the basis of what? Demand written refusal, and already with this refusal go to the lawyer.

05.08.2005, 19:17
Hello, at me the trauma, a clavicle has come off a scapula, what that joint is torn is necessary operation but as at me vich an infection, in mesnoj to hospital to me have given up in treatment, do not prompt where to me can perform operation!??