Просмотр полной версии : Analyses

01.04.2005, 19:24
Whether 4 months there are enough for revealing an infection?

23.05.2005, 12:42

In 98 % of cases it is enough but what to be more confident it is desirable to hand over the analysis in 6 months.

31.05.2005, 04:13
3 months - 97-98 % that is quite enough in overwhelming majority of cases.

4 months - are authentically not known, but in a floor of year of 99.5 %

If the risk was not big (not through a blood) and there were no signs of a possible or probable acute stage (diagnose which the doctor-expert on a HIV can only) to hand over in later term has no has washed off also you it is possible to congratulate. If the risk was higher recommend peresdat the analysis in a floor of year and more just in case.

Serg Golubev
08.07.2005, 00:30
Descend or Go and hand over!!!

08.07.2005, 21:54
Thanks for the information.

26.07.2005, 00:45
Children or Guys! Has received results of the analysis! At me-, only I here that I think...... I slept with it or him during half a year, and this all has stopped about about 2 weeks ago, so mine-......... It is necessary to hand over still analyses through 3 mes, and then also in half a year..... One only pleases! Signs ANY are not present!... And there is such, that he and without simptomovprotekaet.... ju... Well here you, for example, have caught and anything you does not hurt! Neither delicacies, nor temperatures, lymphonoduses.... Well ANYTHING is not present! Happens such?


27.07.2005, 22:55

I congratulate! You correctly think what for the present early to be pleased finally, but is similar, that very well at you. It was necessary to hand over + - then would be even more definiteness. You will need to hand over IFA in 2.5 months or more and basically it or this will be enough. I wish to wish you that the result has not changed (and to it it is very similar). Unfortunately really long time can not be any signs. On the other hand no signs can speak about presence of a HIV unequivocally. So only the analysis will help or assist to find out it. At you it is similar very well.

04.08.2005, 10:20
Seaman! Thanks big for the answer! I shall be hopes, that all will be good! Well and if is not present...... The Life on it or this does not come to an end!


Take care........