Просмотр полной версии : Features, I fly all time - have torn gondon! It that for on

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23.09.2004, 04:54
Pancake, for what to me such punishment! Has promised - now only with condoms! And first time gondon is torn! Now again to hand over all analyses! It is not so terrible, and is simply ridiculous! The guy to whom at us it has occured or happened is afraid, that I shall fly or heal, and me here excites much more that I can something catch, though he and approves or confirms, that is healthy! He by the way in a course of my phobia, knows as I those previous two drove on analyses and speaks, that is not going to anything to hand over - speaks, there is nothing to outweigh the phobias on me, it is necessary to you, you and hand over, speaks!

28.09.2004, 04:46
Excuse, but he it is obvious to you has no respect. Well it IMHO.

10.10.2004, 05:30
And nah to him it? If he positive, you will condemn the poor fellow

18.10.2004, 01:10
In what he positive, so in the SSUCHNOSI.

04.11.2004, 14:31
I for a long time know it or he is my former guy! After parting we communicated as friends, and he knows about my phobias in relation to two previous guys - all of us from one big company! Here also considers or counts, that I suffer nonsense. One I know - somewhere half a year back at it or him a HIV was not exact! And sex at us has turned out simply for old time's sake - he has come on a visit to me! But like aspiration "to hide" from me at it or him it is not observed! We with it or him were going to to begin attitudes or relations all over again, whether and when at us prezik I have torn at it or him during poluchasa time twenty asked he is sick! Here we with it or him also have quarrelled! He speaks, that handed over analyses in the summer before practice in institute - he in medical studies!

07.11.2004, 14:50
And you are quiet otnosishsja to what he on new pushes you on a phobia?

11.11.2004, 04:09
Drive it or him naher........ He the loony...... That it is difficult to calm the little girl result, especially if likes. Such love is not clear to me

28.11.2004, 02:30
Yes is not present, restlessly! Simply he considers or counts, that for a long time it is time to me to psihiatoru with the phobias! He speaks, that is not going to for the sake of my whims each two weeks to be worn to hand over the analysis as I of the previous partner have forced! I did not know, that he so has changed for that year as we have left it or him! There was another Earlier! Well, and with what stati to him to run to be checked, if to him nasrat on me and my calmness! Well like as he should not be positive - he is going to to become the surgeon and if knew, that plus what sense him to study - in fact in the surgeon it is impossible to work for it or him from a HIV!

03.12.2004, 13:23
Well and che you drive?????? By the way chja you have noticed here happen with enviable pereodichnostju..... Well is not present VICHa at herurgov whence to him at you to undertake. And it would be desirable pofobit in occasion of GEPA welcome to www.gepatitu.net

19.12.2004, 13:16
Well, in general, just at surgeons the high probability to catch it or him - they constantly potter with a blood! The matter is that physicians at all are not afraid to catch all of this hrenju - speak, that all is treated, and AIDS too, but is less successful! I rasfobilas that when we pred it or this sat in the company and all were pinned on the bill of my phobias well and razgovorilis on this subject, and he take and blurt out * if at me, for example a HIV me to be hung up it is necessary *, here I and have taken an interest already then to what he it has told or said, and he speaks, whether it is not enough that I can blurt out, here therefore and terribly - suddenly at it or him the truth of a HIV, and on the other hand - well not the fool he at all fair people such to blurt out, if at it or him suddenly actually a HIV

29.12.2004, 13:13
Talk to it or him easy, ask to hand over the analysis. Well and generally, I would not began further to continue to sleep with such person. Well it IMHO

10.01.2005, 23:43
I more also am not going to! Yet I do not wish to spoil with it or him the attitude or relation - in case I have suddenly flown, its or his help - moral first of all is required to me, he promised to not speak me, what is it my problems! I, certainly, in any case shall make abortion, but nevertheless it would not be desirable to remain one in such situation

18.01.2005, 21:11
Is better in occasion of zaleta it was necessary to accept postinor and to throw it or him to hell. But this my opinion

24.01.2005, 05:46
Light, I shall disagree with you in occasion of that physicians to not be afraid to catch. I worked as the instrument nurse on a heart transplantation. And to that as not to me the nobility as wounds are processed if suddenly will prick casually a needle or the glove will tear. And on the bill of that that he can be infected, I think, that in vain panic. Physicians half a year is really everyone, and operating hand over analyses is even more often. I have learned or have found out about the diagnosis so. And to medicine to me have helped or assisted to say goodbye quickly. So anybody to him would not allow to leave on practice.

28.01.2005, 06:59
He does not like children?

Irina 78
03.02.2005, 16:05
He likes nobody, except for itself(himself)

13.02.2005, 06:04
Thanks, Lana! I too so think, that if before practice it or he had a normal analysis, and now most likely it's OK.

About postinora - he harmful very much, it or him speak abroad in general have forbidden, I simply it or him drank couple of months back - so often it is impossible!

And about children - same not that person from whom it is necessary to give birth or travail to them, and does not burn he desire on me to marry, see, what attitude or relation. I partly itself am guilty, when we met it or him, he very much liked me, and I constantly broke away any numbers or rooms! And then he has not sustained and has thrown me and so it has turned out, that I then met two its or his close friends! Naturally, he does not respect with me after such!

21.02.2005, 05:07
Yes, Light. postinor would not advise to drink. Rubbish rare.

05.03.2005, 14:38
When it already stopped marvelon to drink the certificate or act pozno

15.03.2005, 12:53
Farmateks on mine not the most bad tablets though the condom is better, is less hazardous to health)

20.03.2005, 02:58
And is better to drink tomato juice, but not UP TO or AFTER, and INSTEAD OF THAT!

24.03.2005, 10:31
Question to children or guys: whence it is so much infy, even about abortions, you it is simple physicians)

Light, and how old are you?

And you like children why so it is categorical-abortion?!

25.03.2005, 10:51

The colleague completely agree with you, but it is possible also tea and coffee)))

30.03.2005, 09:20
lanitka, we not physicians, we fobiki)))

It is a serious case as to swallow such quantity or amount of the specific medical information for such time interval is an obvious insanity. And so I generally the electronician for example... Something Is better would borrow or occupy interesting on a direct speciality... Only here a trouble, all became suddenly uninteresting... Directly though a calling change!

07.04.2005, 05:54
Yes the colleague same hren I the financier, also like sites at a leisure to draw, and wrote stories, (the truth in them not normative lexicon) for this year in general nothing could make (((((, and desires are not present in general.