Просмотр полной версии : Phobia or not?

22.11.2004, 11:13
I wish to tell to you the history. Fobom I was always as has started to sleep with women. There was it from 15 years, and already 26. Always it seemed to me, that at me a HIV, the more read about simtomy the worse, kozalos, that at me all this was, and now on more detailed about it or this, and you vysvkazhite the mneie. And so in 96 year at me all time pokalyvaoi sites cervical, precisely he thought all, then handed over analyses and not odinraz all ok. In 99 g the inguinal site has increased, all I think, is exact he, has gone in half a year to the surgeon, to ask, what is it and why he has increased? He has looked or seen, a mouth ioj posmotre then in a mouth nothing was, has told or said to hand over anadizf on a siphon and on a HIV, well here I spirit have dropped, have gone to ugrologu, he too has sent that tezhe the analysis. Well all I it is possible to tell or say arms or hand already on itself has imposed, analyses has not gone to hand over, then in a year of steel uvelichivatsja and dr uz. Sparava under cheljustnots and under the mouse or mousy too, damaju all is exact he, jazy too white often was, but tongue a mirror of a stomach has ENT told or said, that, wrote off or copied on buhaninu, wine of saws, that kosaetsja pharyngalgias they at me frequent .temperatura at me from 16 years in norm or rate that 37, more often navvero even 37 Analyses was afraid to hand over, But 2003 g it was necessary to go on job and there it was necessary to hand over analyses. Stashno was, I for deni up to anaziza thumped with terrible force and when has gone on the analysis to the nurse from peregara already it became bad, have handed over it or him on konechto, all ok, then in 2 months have still handed over all ok "-". Yes prishchi all this and earlier was, but I noticed, what is it after pjanki happens. Now at me again a phobia, I think again he at me, now "simtoiov" on there was I a pancake more so is tired, that I thump almost in day. SHCHa on more detailed raskazhu. In a mouth that that tpia as bite, or white color scurfs that they are. That they are not present, a forelock bottom is constant as exposed to the wind, in cracks, I do not know from what but to grow dumb steel that arms or hand legs or foots, it can provda from buhanini I do not know, and to drink in the last a floor of year as I already spoke I drink in day, I sweat at night but not often, vrach the truth has told or said, that from chrez marnogo upotreb fault or wine so happens, But a pancake shcha am afraid to hand over analizi, me is a phobia has already got, advise that nibud.

09.02.2005, 02:52
I advise! Not zamorachivajsja!
Anybody, anything me he... I shall live! "dolphin"

15.02.2005, 03:04
Thanks Dzhess, but me have got doubts already

07.03.2005, 16:39
Me too, by the way I too very much often in the last also drink a floor of year, if not year, not much certainly, but almost every day. Yesterday in club for example naherachilsja diko, and has drunk it is not a lot of, it is strange (earlier though flank of beer got) .a today in full neadekvate...

13.04.2005, 10:46
I too as am afraid to hand over horror...... I do not know as to be solved

02.06.2005, 05:59
Too practical every day, I try not much, and vlaziit in me it is a lot of, then on a trace put if I shall drink, already veki nabuhajut and eyes red much, before such was not, but I think simply much to drink became. And you that besspokoit?

28.06.2005, 03:44
Already to write it is tired, that me only does not disturb, has tried on all signs of a HIV though the analysis on 2-nd month was "-" and the little girl speaks is not sick... If polazeesh on topics with the similar name, you will see all my signs...

14.07.2005, 17:50
How much to you to repeat, that time your girlfriend is healthy, also you it is not necessary to hammer in a head. And other reason can eat? Not in the girlfriend business?

Gather all of you and kicks each other tire out or drive on analyses.
Who has not found happiness in a life,

To work that in the underground has gone!

20.07.2005, 21:48
Confused, and what you then besspokoishsja? You though know with whom, I and do not know it or this, sometimes two ladies in odin day were, here and guess now what, were also normal and shalavy, the truth I always with elastic and gel greasing too used and then miramistinom used, but from it or this not legcheju. I would hammer on it, but these or it simtomy have got already, the worst, that to women became are afraid to go, I think or they will infect me if I am not infected, and if I all taki am infected, I am afraid of whom to award that her or it

23.07.2005, 23:35
1. After sex I any more did not see it or her, whether so on SMS have asked anything she is sick. Has told or said is not present. But hz, has suddenly told lies or on a HIV the analysis did not hand over...

2. Signs-here she the reason of my phobia. Under time approach or suit, and on the properties too.

3. I already spilsja probably. Every day almost I drink. Let it is not a lot of but every day.

4. Since the childhood of doctors I am afraid. Half of childhood in hospitals has spent. Honey a map thicker than the ethnic dictionary.


Here so..

25.07.2005, 02:15
Why you signs have reduced all to ondnomu to the diagnosis? They in fact and at other sores are shown.
Who has not found happiness in a life,

To work that in the underground has gone!

26.07.2005, 02:22
For a long time zto at you 7 at me about one year a strong phobia, and so fobil I always, but now vashchee

26.07.2005, 03:57
Yes fobom I was always as I already wrote, but till 2003 from "simtomov" byly a current sites, well tongue white, likely and all. And here with 2004 g where that since September, has gone or is trite has gone, have at first jumped out what that grippkovye, but also can chutochku earlier were, but here after September were that passed or took place, in ushnih conchas, then at a nose, has jumped what that hren. It was scratched also that that yellow followed, the herpes can? I do not know. In February on labiums white small specks have jumped out, so them it is not visible but if to pull a labium it is possible to see, at angles of a mouth has jumped out same hren as at a nose in September, chelas and mokrilas. At you on how much I know such was not?

26.07.2005, 03:58

Impresses, certainly, 9 years with signs are strongly. How I have understood, on vichugu last time you were surveyed in 2003, and something or something else found for this time or more on what was not surveyed? I understand about what you write, as already 15 mes as I observe the same hren and up to 12 mes while there were one minuses. Only signs was for this time much more than at you - I here described. Analyses every possible it is handed over nemerjano, but the reason is not found yet. And it is already a lot of such people and all in searches. And than fobit - to go yes easier to surrender once again. What difference - razom is more or less.