Просмотр полной версии : Volunteers of a HIV - infected

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31.05.2005, 15:17

I am not infected. Subject SPIDA as I thought, was something far for me and my relatives, with what I should not collide or face. But, nevertheless, the given subject now for me is very actual, and I shall explain why.

Since September, 2003 I have received the introduction information, that ostensibly is certain Rostov scientific (the candidate of technical and biological sciences) which has developed and has patented a method on clearing an organism of the person and a donor blood of a HIV of an infection, and moreover, he has already created and has tested the working model of the apparatus.

As the sane person, I for itself has initially defined or determined three possible or probable variants:

1. The Next swindler who has decided to earn on a huge problem.

2. The Next scientist-fanatic who has invented ' panacea ', blindly believes in the idea and consequently not mene it is dangerous, than the first.

3. An Outstanding scientist who can be put level with such people as Mendeleyev, Lomonosov, Einstein, etc.

In any case he cost attention!

As it has appeared, in a consequence, the attention and in realization of the given project and did not suffice the help to Him.

I not the physician and not the biologist, to medicine have the mediated attitude or relation (I am ill or sick sometimes) and consequently to check up a scientific component of the given opening itself could not. For the decision of this question by my partners have been involved our Russian svetily in medicine of which competence it is not necessary to doubt. Easier speaking, have arranged ' a confrontation ' the inventor and experts or auditeurs. I shall not name names and surnames of stars-experts because I have no on it powers. But from these confrontations I have drawn the main conclusions:

These people communicated on one ' tongue ', and understood each other from a half-word.

The method is scientifically proved!

Variant? 1 (see above) disappears!

Also has forgotten to note, participation of the given invention in the international exhibitions in Paris and Bruxelles. Where it has noted been by awards and steadfast attention ' our foreign colleagues '.

The paradox, in Russia the apparatus works the fourth year, has passed or has taken place successful treatment 200 person, and the inventor had to fight about a wall of the haughty attitude or relation of officials of Ministry of Health of type: '.. On decisions of a problem of a HIV leading scientific institutes of all countries of the world work, billions dollars are spent, and here without due financial and a material resources to create such - it is impossible!.. ' or as the official from Ministry of Health of the Rostov area ' declares: 200 person, 400, 600 person, it yet a parameter.. '. According to the same Rostov official it or him for the analysis submit 1.5 - 2 million people (God forbid such quantity or amount). But at them is important ' a trump '! From this 200 person practically was not wishing to advertise the former participation in a HIV - infected. The person who has been last anonymously, not cheap (!) treatment, after the efflux or expiration of the operative control (the monthly developed or unwrapped immunograms passed by fax) stopped any communication or connection with the doctor.

I could communicate with people last and passing or taking place treatment. I should reproach them with what, their this right. For myself and for partners I have responded to a variant? 2 it is negative, though I understand, that, not having collected official statistics we shall mark time.

On it or this I shall interrupt to tell history.

(If to that it will be interesting write to me I shall tell more in detail)

Further I wish to tell about results.

Are enclosed money in manufacture.

In May of this year (2004) Ministry of Health gives out the REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE on the apparatus!!!

By September we wait the first apparatus.

Negotiations with the medical centers, on the organization on their base of an out-patient treatment are carried on.

To treat we undertake not everything, there are restrictions on a stage of disease

At cost I can sorientirovat very much-very approximately = 5000 - 6000 euros for Russians, 28000 - 30000 for foreigners, the sums are chosen not casually, approximately spends a HIV-infected in a year for maintenance of immunity so much. 20 % from the received agents will leave in a science, on the further development of a perspective method (a herpes, a hepatitis, an oncology).

Reasonable question! - guarantees!

If in current 3 - 6 months immunity was not restored (indications developed or unwrapped immunnogramm), agents spent for treatment come back.

What for I write this all. Advertising - is not present.

The purpose one.

It will be necessary for us to HIV-infected which will sign the contract on passage not anonymous, not free-of-charge (but at the lowered cost) dolechebnogo inspections, treatments, postmedical inspection, with the purpose of assembly of the strong research facts.

Yours faithfully Jury. St.-Petersburg

06.06.2005, 08:38

> What for I write this all. Advertising - is not present.

> The purpose one.

> It will be necessary for us to HIV-infected which will sign the contract on

> Passage not anonymous, not free-of-charge (but on lowered

> Costs) dolechebnogo inspections, treatments, postmedical

> Inspections, with the purpose of assembly strong

> The research facts.




> Yours faithfully Jury. St.-Petersburg

And on what not free-of-charge that??? For the sake of this business or affairs (to prove to the government and meditsini) you dear sirs could and work free of charge is not too dear or expensive in service your method. And why you takii babki lupite?? What difference skoko to manage therapy)) your that agent of a current from eliktrichestva depends well and more from kakogoto there priborchika which tozh as I have understood kapejki costs or stands.

And still that that to not be believed that all 200 person there would be people which conducted or order successful business and have refused from additional zarobodka to participate in the proof and reklamme your miracle of an agent).

And why foreign investors do not put in you babki?? You in the West I booze awards have received)))))

There is a heap of links which rasskalyvajut your theory of treatment, is simple not ohoto lazjat and to spread them here, yes they here again like were. So success to you in development and all blessings.

08.06.2005, 08:09
It will be necessary for us to HIV-infected which will sign the contract on passage not anonymous, not free-of-charge (but at the lowered cost) dolechebnogo inspections, treatments, postmedical inspection, with the purpose of assembly of the strong research facts.

nam? komu-nam? a ti to tam kakuju rol ' igrajesh '? a ne pojti bi tebe na...? blin, kak mozhno igrat ' 4uvstvami ljudej, kotorije cepljajutsja za kazhduju solominku?

15.06.2005, 11:30
I already spoke in this occasion, unfortunately I can not check up this infu from other sources.. If there is someone knowing English tongue find in poiskovikah sites of these foreign competitions and name Kovalenko in them.

20.06.2005, 00:01
http: // www.stopaids.aaanet.ru/patentcvidet.htm

nazvyanija diplomas and exhibitions here! Will easily check up with knowledge of tongue But I to sozhelaniju povtarjus do not own to the right degree English

21.06.2005, 01:08
Whether and something costed to respond to this post in general?

25.06.2005, 23:47
There is still such mister Kashin Roman Vladimirovich. He in other forum too this subject podymal! http: // www.noNedug. Ru/forum/main.html

But most of all I liked here the announcement:

Diagnostics and treatment of all kinds of illnesses or diseases on the ground-??na; cancer diseases-thbe of any stage of development, cardiovascular, gynecologic, on a narcomania, dermal diseases, povyshenogo and the lowered pressure, poliatrita, illnesses or diseases of kidneys, a liver and many other things disease. I fly or treat alive energetkoj. Treatment only with the GUARANTEE

Well it already forgive or excuse absolutely.. I do not know such alive energy which would kill viruses. Yes it is possible to activate internal potential of an organism, but it is no more (and it not alive energy and medical suggestion is called), in any way viruses to treat.

It already simply pancake impudence..

29.06.2005, 15:54
I have stopped in words the author of a post " medical svetily ")))) To read further, I think, it is not meaningful)))

03.07.2005, 23:18

Has read through your opinions.

Not in my rules to keep silent. I am ready to communicate.

Vo-the first, I wish to respond there is nobody ' doping '. - If at you arms or hand have lowered or omitted, and intolerable desire ' to send ' someone became the purpose of existence, that, you it is very a pity to me. I wrote on a forum not for those who has surrendered who is capable to splash out only bile on associates, and for people ready to discuss a problem.

I ' play what role '?

- I one of investors. Also it is responsible or crucial for the organization of the medical centers in Petersburg.

Why it is not free-of-charge?

- Too many initial and current investments. In budushem I hope on gos. The program, but for it or this ' volunteers ' ready to leave anonymity also are necessary to us.

Why foreign investors do not put in you?

- Put. Israel.

' there Is a heap of links which rasskalyvajut your theory of treatment! '

- Vo-the first, it is far not a heap! Secondly, same clause or article is reprinted everywhere. In which I so that ' splitting ' also has not found. (send links if you have found). ' Only in dispute or spore the true is born! '

How it is possible to play on feelings of people which cling to everyone solominku?!

- Who does not play. Once again I shall repeat, IT NOT ADVERTISING!!!! Patients ready to leave the anonymity are necessary to us. On anonymous clients record for three months forward.

Now I shall answer a question interesting all with check of foreign exhibitions.

That I have made the first, it have checked up this information. Even has found official publications of books from these exhibitions, who there is painted, in what area and with what it was exposed. Has checked up. All is correct.

Yours faithfully Jury St.-Petersburg

06.07.2005, 08:37
Dear, it is advertising in the pure state, on all canons of a genre and receptions))))))

Means, names you "shone" have no powers to name?

And all recovered as one have escaped and thanks have not told or said at all... And nobody has wanted to promulgate results "up to" and "after"?


06.07.2005, 14:21
I the same do not believe. If who is ready to pay turn of those on 5000 evro.raspisanna on 3 mes.vperyod I am assured or confident, that you will have agents for free-of-charge and public treatment of volunteers. I too the businessman and to consider or count I am able and to read between lines too have learned, so it is not necessary to dissemble. .S. about a method of treatment Kovalenko I can not tell or say anything, t.k.ne would see any patient which at it or him it was treated, but I do not exclude that spid it is possible to treat not only medicines.

08.07.2005, 19:15
" Patients ready to leave the anonymity " are necessary to us. Aha. And about 5000 euros at the same time, but it at a discount, " as for the "...

" I one of investors " - well here and direct interest in far not charitable prompt return of the enclosed capital...

09.07.2005, 23:55

Did not think to collide or face with such wall of mistrust.

To people to believe it is necessary! And certainly, it is obligatory to check. Most easier without adducing any proof to sling mud.

I wish to learn or find out your opinion.

And if to go from the return: - all over again treatment, and only in case of success - payment. As you think, will be a lot of wishing to advertise in our society the problem.

On the bill of direct interest. And what in it or this bad? I with you am fair, and to hide that I one of investors, is not measured or going because I am proud of it or this. At least, I do or make something, instead of I sit on ' to the fifth point ' and I wait for indulgence of good fortune. Yes, me too it is terrible, if there is nothing to not do or make that all of us we shall die out from this infection as dinosaurs, and not important there will be it through hundred or through two hundred years.

Whether I believe in this method? - I BELIEVE

Also give the God to everyone who has faced this problem that my belief in this method and the apparatus - was justified.

For BUSINESSMEN I explain (that that they have not seen between lines), the first apparatus we wait in September-October, by this moment we should have interested persons is treated not anonymously What will be cost of treatment, the exact information is not present, I have written provisional. Cost not anonymous treatment (for official statistics) will be below, on how much - I do not know (I assume nearby 2000 in euro). Now there are some digits: a resource of the apparatus not less than 600 business hours. We consider or count: 1 session - 1.5 hours, we multiply by 8 sessions, we receive 12 hours on 1 patient. Or 50 patients on the apparatus. And here the apparatus that has turned out not cheap!

About! By the way. I search for partners on the organization of the medical center in Petersburg. There are interested persons?!

Now personally for Hu.... LADY: Thanks for dear or expensive.

On the bill of results ' up to ' and ' after '. There are results - the developed or unwrapped immunograms (method PTSR) up to treatment, and after, were observed in current of half a year. Publish them I can not, on freedom it would be desirable to take a walk. And having published, I them without patients would be accused of a juggling of the facts. Therefore!!! I also speak IT NOT ADVERTISING. The official statistics of results prepared under all demands is necessary to me only. And the main thing, the contract with the patient, on passage not anonymous inspection and treatment. I not a tooth-paste offer and not linings. For today of more longevous methods of treatment (except for this or it) does not exist. And the method does not require advertising.

Yours faithfully Jury St.-Petersburg

12.07.2005, 11:59
ok... davaj pogovorim togda na4istotu... sam ja po specu medik... ja naxozhu tebe bol'nogo-dobrovol'ca (vozmozhno, 4to im budu ja sam), no bez predoplati... tol'ko s uslovijami... mne xotelos' bi obsudit ' detal'no s kompetentnim predstavitelem, dlja razjasnenija principa dejstvija... mozhno i v vide telefonnogo razgovora... pri uspexe-garantirovano ofishirovanije v med-ix zhurnalax... sam ja-vra4... pojdjot?

12.07.2005, 12:21
I shall not hide or I shall not cut out, irritates. Who approves a similar method of "treatment"? Whether there is a license for a medical practice and such activity? How Ministry of Health concerns to it or this? At last, if you so piously believe that the panacea from this infection why you to not try or taste so to say a personal example that then and with the rights to the publication of results of problems will not be is found... To catch now at desire, and without it or him, a problem not greater or big, unfortunately. And to you, as to the investor, the discount! Weakly?

12.07.2005, 22:19
So not podhodjut to business. That I do not know, it I can not tell or say, those do not wish to be advertised...

What for delirium? How you wish to find people? On how much I am informed about this apparatus, that he on sibistoimosti in copecks has managed. To questions respond not navse, only on those which want. Oh not prezhivyotes you here)))) .na skodko I have understood you on one apparatus on the average earn 250 pieces of greens, a current it is not necessary to me to speak here, that he costs or stands more and you still in pralyote, for the sake of people and the country understand do or make. There is he from force well if 1000 dollars, and even it is less. Where the others babki? From the last 200 person you have earned a lemon and what? Plus sponsors and you cannot open the center and ofitsalno to declare yourself everywhere??? Specified phones on your site as it was spoken at a forum nospid, are silent. And how much to people it is necessary for you that your method has approved miditsina??? Simply ohoto still razok to count up how much you wish on posledok to break)))))

15.07.2005, 13:29
For "doping" and "seamen"

I wait your e-mail

18.07.2005, 03:55

18.07.2005, 09:46
OK, and to me too wildsoul1@yandex.ru

19.07.2005, 16:21

I wish to specify for you some moments.

First, about this method I for the first time have learned or have found out in September 2003.

From now on, all over again with the big share of scepticism, I began to penetrate into a subject.

And only having affirmed for itself, that more likely the method works, than is not present (partly a course of the reasonings has written above) I have invested. Also there was it in April, 2004. So, 200 person last treatment (I communicated only with some of them) and, especially, ' one million ' it without me.

And more for :-turn, what super incomes at the inventor were not, were faster super charges for 10 years of researches, differently we would be not necessary to him.. So thanks that have counted up.

In a pancake Russia! All where, when what and how much money has earned, instead of development of a method more interests. Even if this apparatus would be under the cost price in rouble, what to you from it or this a difference? For you this problem becomes less or is more terrible.

There is no not that more expensively health and a life!

And the most terrible that if I am mistaken, and the method does not work, I and my partners we shall lose only only money and time and that YOU will lose........

P.S. Frankness for frankness

In occasion of a site.

The new site, with more developed or unwrapped information on a method will be opened or open.

Now all agents and efforts are thrown on manufacture of apparatus.

Yours faithfully Jury St.-Petersburg

20.07.2005, 11:43
About Kovalenko asked the doctor.. Has told or said what is it tipo silver operates or works that even if there are improvements that then following there are irreversible consequences.. And also as after armenikuma.. Who it or him accepted all already have died 8 ((

20.07.2005, 12:05
No, not everyone who accepted armenikum have died. Simply with armenikumom a situation strange, the formula of a medicine is not disclosed and so forth I looked transfer about armenikum so data of immunograms of patients on term of 5-7 years there have read, all as at any other HIV-infected, i.e. the effect is not clear.

And about Kovalenko already there were clauses or articles, that he already declares, that never spoke, that its or his "invention" treats a HIV. And anywhere while researches were not made.

21.07.2005, 04:56
The pancake, kills me self-confidence such djadek as the author of the given post, but also such ennobled or raised zajavy: - If in current 3 - 6 months immunity was not restored.

Logical question, and whether you will find you in 3-6 months?

And more, if you the businessman putting in it of money, whether that early you hurry to receive from it or this profit? A horse-radish not having checked up efficiency of the given apparatus and a method.

P.S. On one of the Israeli sites I have not found a mention of the given miracle.

21.07.2005, 21:44
Dear)) I still time would ask to answer all questions??

Why phones from a site are silent???

Why itself Kovalenko not obrashchaetsja to people??

Yes all is peer to me how much you there have earned or not))) I have asked how much to people to you it is necessary??

Why you not otkroite the center ofitsalnyj in Moscow?? In fact to the Europe that have reached))).

23.07.2005, 15:45
It seems to me, the place for the similar "commercial" offer is unsuccessfully chosen. Not at a forum it should be offered, and officially, in hospitals. It is a question of apparatus Kovalenko. On aidse there were some questions on this bill, speak, lazha all this. And more I have not understood: this full treatment or is simple restoration of immunity and depression of a virus load? In clauses or articles it was spoken about FULL treatment. Not clearly, how was an established fact of the full treatment, what methods? Really antibodies vanish?

And more. I read clauses or articles about method Kovalenko. I read, that this person has already refused the invention, i.e. has told or said, that the apparatus of a HIV DOES NOT TREAT, that he never it or this declared and so forth

For the prices for treatment. The expensive for a unchecked method. Let all over again will pass or take place clinical tests. If the apparatus has been really approved minzdravom where it is possible to read through about it or this any infu? Well I do not know that, the order on introduction of the given method, the sanction to use for treatment of a HIV. Whether doctors in the centers know about such method of treatment AIDS? If yes, why do not offer the patients?

Closely or Attentively read through last paragraph. How your opinion, Kovalenko really professional in the field of a HIV? A medical star?

http: // www.megapolis.ru/about/me //2003/09/? number_id=71*article_id=393

http: // www.stopaids.aaanet.ru/interv.htm

As last paragraph. " Are nowadays recognized healthy "????? How it have established or installed, what analyses?

http: // www.noaids.ru/about/showCurrentArticle.asp? id=1010


http: // ankerok.narod.ru/aids.html


http: // www.rikt.ru/noaids/news.phtml? id_news=384