Просмотр полной версии : At me a question about a hepatitis In

Somebody the person
22.11.2004, 17:47
Greetings! Somebody knows, through how much months after possible or probable infection it is possible to hand over the analysis on a hepatitis In? Whether there are at it or him any signs? He in general cures completely and how much it costs or stands? More shortly, whether it is necessary to be afraid to be checked on it or him?

07.12.2004, 05:42
Hepatitis B

This serious enough and widespread form of a hepatitis name still a serumal hepatitis. Such name is caused by that infection with a virus of a hepatitis In can occur or happen through a blood, and through extremely small dose. The virus of a hepatitis In can be passed sexual by, at injections by unsterile syringes at narcomaniacs, from mother - to a fetus.

The hepatitis In is characterized by a lesion of a liver and proceeds in different variants: from a carriage up to an acute hepatic failure, a cirrhosis and a cancer of a liver. From the moment of infection prior to the beginning of illness or disease passes or takes place 50-180 days. In typical cases disease begins with rise in temperature, delicacy, joint pains, a nausea and a vomiting. Sometimes there are rashes. There is an augmentation of a liver and a lien. Also there can be a darkening or dimout wet also a decolorization of a feces. As specific reaction for diagnostics of a hepatitis In or its or his carriages revealing HbsAg serves.

Treatment demands the complex approach and depends on a stage and gravity of illness or disease. The main preparation became imunnyj a preparation - the Interferon and its or his analogues. Hormones, gepatoprotektory, antibiotics are used also. To prophylaxis of infection by a virus of a hepatitis In apply various kinds of vaccines. For formation of immunity an inoculation repeat in a month and in half a year after the first injection.

17.12.2004, 01:23
That ust usli in half a year is not present a nausea and a vomiting - that it's OK, it is possible to not worry? Or it is possible to be long time the carrier or bearer, but to not hurt or not be ill;not be sick?

11.01.2005, 19:05
Do not drive, and toeshche and Gepofobija will appear suddenly... Hand over the analysis

16.01.2005, 17:16
And through what term it or him to hand over it is necessary? About it or this it is not written anywhere! Can on aidse ask a question? You think, they understand it or this?

21.01.2005, 10:41
From 2 months before half a year

09.02.2005, 03:27
Treatment of hepatitis B

Full treatment of an acute hepatitis In possible or probable. The majority of adults can resist to an infection of hepatitis B and without treatment, however the doctor can appoint or nominate treatment by an interferon an alpha - fiber of a natural parentage. At 45 % of the patients who have received treatment rekombinantnym by an interferon an alpha-2a, in the extremity or end of treatment of a virus of a hepatitis In it is not found out. Even if treatment by an interferon an alpha does not lead to excision of a virus from an organism, appreciable improvement in a tissue of a liver that prevents fast development of a cirrhosis of a liver is observed.

09.02.2005, 06:59
Light, good infa on this rubbish on www.gepatitu.net

To be afraid to be checked up on it or him it is not necessary. If recently there was an opportunity to catch it is necessary to consult with vrachem. In my opinion as prophylaxis it is possible to make urgently bacterination (there is a vaccine from gepa In and combined from gepoa And and In, kazhetsja Twinrix is called). But only it is obligatory with vrachem this question find out! That bacterination has not done much harm only...

If infection has occured or happened, the analysis on HBsAg can already show something in 1.5-3 months. The deadline - a floor of year. If he will show nothing, it still anything can not mean, though is the good forecast. It is necessary to hand over in parallel month in 3 and in 6 analysis on anti-HBcor IgM, IgG, here if and here all will be pure or clean, is not present at you any gepa Century It is possible as to hand over PTSR on HBV. If he will be a minus most likely there is nothing and if all these analyses in a floor of year the minus in general forget about it or this. Is better to take root. The vaccine is, and boljachko to put it mildly unpleasant. It is possible to recover completely, and it is possible and to remain the carrier or bearer of a virus for all life if will pass in the chronic form, let alone that a cancer of a liver or a cirrhosis nobody is necessary. Success!

11.02.2005, 01:35
Yes, nearly has not forgotten. Signs sometimes can and to not be any. Not a rarity anicteric and not acute forms of disease. So be tested necessarily!

16.03.2005, 01:44
I here simply am surprised - all fobjat on the bill of a HIV, and of a hepatitis are not afraid - he too can not recover!

28.03.2005, 12:43
And you now itself in occasion of what fobish?

Yulia Nekrasova
20.04.2005, 07:38
Yes at me in general with a head not by way of became! Probably, has simply got used to be afraid! As soon as the phobia on the bill of a HIV releases or lets off, begins on the bill of a hepatitis! And you were checked on it or him? You Are going to to be checked up? Or you in occasion of it or him do not worry?

22.04.2005, 08:50
I was checked up, but to take away there is no time analyses... I Think negatively t. To. The biochemical analysis of a blood in norm or rate though I stakogo buduna handed over it or him......

The CENTER *quot; oe?AaAi*quot;
03.05.2005, 16:15
And biochemical is the general or common analysis of a blood - on leucocytes everyones, a hemoglobin? Or another? I while am afraid of it or him to hand over, but in the extremity or end of October my former partner - well my experimenter promised to hand over it or him, here I and think, what if we with it or him were engaged in sex all the July long - I owed it or him zarzit if at me it was, whether will show at it or him the analysis later such term - four mjasjatsa from the beginning of communication or connection and three from the extremity or end?

Cherry pie
13.06.2005, 09:57
Biochemistry of a blood and the general or common analysis - different things..

Ostrovsky Igor
17.06.2005, 22:55

Begin fobit on ORZ))))))) it prikolnee and it is more safe))))))

And if seriously, simply try to approach or suit to a choice of the partner more seriously. Well it as always IMHO.

11.07.2005, 07:47
I understand, that it is necessary to be more serious! Well I thought, with a condom it is possible, no trouble will not occur or happen, who knew, what exactly this prezik will tear!

11.07.2005, 19:47
All condoms are torn...... The Main thing in this business of any sex

Blohina And
13.07.2005, 03:13

It is necessary to choose correctly, and to learn to dress, though and here there can be punctures ((

23.07.2005, 03:44
Yes... Light, the passion to experiments)) is deep-rooted at you

If something disturbs you to surrender it is necessary for you. If at the partner something is not present or is, it does not mean, that it or this is not present at you. Though, certainly, if is not present at it or him at you whence will undertake? But it already from quantity or amount and quality of experiments depends...

23.07.2005, 18:39
Let's more shortly draw a conclusion))) As small as possible bljadstva)) And no pavors will exist))))

25.07.2005, 00:03
The racer

Condoms not only are torn, but bend))))

Anna B.
25.07.2005, 12:03
Oh absolutely behind a phobia has forgotten they rubber