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27.10.2004, 08:34
And me interests - whether you are imparted or vaccinated from a hepatitis (In or), whether take root or are inoculated from a diphtheria (the inoculation which is done or made each 10 years), from reproach?

I ask, therefore as in it or this to year at us at job have imparted all youth till 35 years from reproach, having told or said, that there was an indicating to impart in connection with augmentation of number ill, and at adult age kor is transferred or carried difficultly and gives serious complications.

It is a lot of publications now on this subject, it is a lot of opinions inconsistent, therefore there was an idea to ask - and as you.

Here, actually, all questions.

02.11.2004, 07:03

Every year I do or make an inoculation from a flu. Now even during inoculation from a hepatitis In, there was last inoculation in half a year. Has heard from vaktsinologa, that it is necessary to be more cautious with a rubella and it is necessary to inoculate against it or her, in particular planning to get or start in rate of the child, the rubella is very dangerous to pregnant women. Even at had been ill immunity not always is saved by her or it, i.e. there is an opportunity to catch repeatedly. About kor and a diphtheria at adults while I know nothing.

10.11.2004, 23:44
I do not take root, rely or am not inoculated, rely on own immunity. From a diphtheria once did or made it is universal or without exception inoculations at job, me too. But there in fact for development or manufacture of immunity two inoculations with the certain interval are necessary at least. Then, years through seven, the local doctor insisted, that I have repeated an inoculation: say, term has expired. But she has approached or suited to this business competently and has directed me on the analysis on presence of antibodies. However, by then I have caught a cold, and to take root or be inoculated did not become, and then was somehow forgot, and to a diphtheria became less.

14.11.2004, 12:09
From a hepatitis - yes, in it or this to a year for the first time has made from a flu.

15.12.2004, 01:50
I take root or am inoculated from a tetanus, as well as it is necessary a national calendar of inoculations for adult times in 10 years therefore as an infection, really terrible, and to pick up it or her simply, enough to be wounded on a summer residence so what for to risk?! It would be necessary and from difteriii probably. And here in inoculations from a flu I do not believe, strains constantly mutate.

22.12.2004, 15:30
I during inoculations from a hepatitis In, recently have made from a tetanus and a diphtheria (together) - in the ground kopas, barefoot I go and accident-prone, have made from a chicken pox - never hurted - prvivok did not do or make, complex -EPIDEMIC PAROTITIS- - never did or made! - nothing hurted or was ill;was sick (on a neck lymphonoduses after it or her have got out), I wish to make from kokljusha vskorosti - neudobnjak will die from kokljusha, having lived up to my old age, and from a flu to me nazachem, I am not ill or sick with a flu. That still to make?

And in general I FOR inoculations. Can, because to me their and the childhood not dalali? Against BTSZH, but me the first have made only in 1,5 years and (fie-fie-fie) a positive Mantoux test after it or her never was...

18.01.2005, 09:17
About inoculations from a flu it agree with. Useless this business.

Inoculations from any illnesses or diseases to me did or made last time, when I at school studied. At adult age unique there was an inoculation - from an encephalitis.

03.02.2005, 23:28
Razvodnaja apelsinka , you on antibodies hand over to a rubella. Can, they at you are also to you an inoculation is not necessary and even is harmful. Here if they are not present, then the inoculation should be made.

, You of that, what to you kokljush? Even if there will be cheknutyj a physician who it or her will make to you (I already all suppose, nachitavshis the Internet), you from an inoculation, more correctly, from air defence from it or her and will die, almost for certain! Kokljush do or make only to children of preschool age, after that age the generated immunity och. Activly struggles with a pertussoid anatoxin and as a result - the hardest complications. Besides, adults, to your data, kokljushem hardly are not ill or sick. Usually he also is not diagnosed for them even. Passes or takes place, as usual cold.

25.02.2005, 21:28
, On a subject - did not take root or was not inoculated since school times from what. Even from a rubella and was not going to before pregnancy.

14.03.2005, 01:31
What it you so is emotional?

What for:

To your data, adults very much often are ill or sick kokljushem and sometimes are ill or sick with it or him very hardly. During illness or disease about which they do not know - "tussis" more often - it is diagnosed, by the way, fine, are raspostraniteljami infections - *gt; infect tiny kiddies

z.y. I beremennet am not going to, but an inoculation from a rubella have made of similar reasons

" cheknutogo " I have found the physician, an inoculation will make, as soon as she will be accessible. Special such inoculation, for adults.

08.04.2005, 00:20
nea, I do not do or I make...

Therefore as the horse-radish knows, that with me from it or her will be.. (in the childhood of a problem were with inoculations)..

To that to be, that to not pass...

15.04.2005, 20:51
Absence of a positive Mantoux test testifies to an inefficiency of an inoculation.

From a hepatitis In has taken root, the diphtheria-tetanus should be repeated. And it is necessary to do or make a rubella. But all over again it is necessary to hand over antibodies - there are at me suspicions, that I to her already hurted or was ill;was sick, and recently.

21.04.2005, 19:21
And in general for myself I divide or share;part inoculations on obligatory (if to not make at a corresponding or meeting infection high chance to die, remain the invalid) - a poliomyelitis, a diphtheria, a tetanus. Here a hepatitis In (often synchronization) and a rubella for women, a parotitis for boys because of possible or probable problems with posterity. And series of tropical inoculations.

And the rest - kokljush, a hepatitis And, a flu.... Well nafik. Especially I for a long time not dite.

09.05.2005, 15:30
At school it is imparted or vaccinated from all that only it was possible. In posleshkolnyj the period (10 years) took root or was inoculated from a flu and a hepatitis of type And and.

Whether you are imparted or vaccinated from a hepatitis (In or)

And unless from With there is an inoculation?

About inoculations from a flu it agree with istee-estee. Useless this business.

It do not agree. Yes, certainly they do not give 100 %, but the organism can react more quickly as the virus though also other type, but is similar on from what privyli. The probability of complications, and they in a flu - the most terrible Thus decreases.

20.05.2005, 10:25

Yes, thanks, about to check up antibodies to a rubella to me have explained.

04.06.2005, 18:15
Razvodnaja apelsinka

About kor and a diphtheria at adults while I know nothing.

From a diphtheria the therapist (at physical examination) every year asks us, reminds, that time in 10 years, and during a "complex or difficult" situation - time in 7 years. I remember, in institute in 1994 have imparted all students, having explained, that a complex or difficult situation with a diphtheria. Next time I have taken root in 10 years, in 2004.

About kor - I already wrote.

Poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus

And unless from a poliomyelitis by the adult do or make? Last time I remember this priviku at school, approximately in the age of 14-15 years. Only to us it or her in a mouth dripped, droplets of color of the divorced potassium permanganate.

From a tetanus somehow specially I did not do or make, here when on a summer residence have come or stepped a barefooted leg or foot on a rusty nail and have come to a fracture clinic - to me it or her have pricked. Too about 10 years ago was. And it or her it is necessary povorjat with what periodicity?

From a flu - at job impart or inoculate every year, every year the principal shuttit with a serious kind, that not imparted or vaccinated from a flu and ill it or him - the sick-list will not pay.

Still inoculate or impart at job from a vernal encephalitis. Too this inoculation I do or make from school.

The friend is, the surgeon so he in general was surprised when I have told or said, chtohochu to inoculate against a hepatitis to itself and the husband. Speaks, what for to the usual person to take root or be inoculated from a hepatitis if there are no casual sexual communications or connections, not the narcomaniac. When I have asked - and a variant of a hemotransfusion or a surgical intervention, from which nobody zastrahovan? And the husband at me also the donor sometimes. The doctor has responded - then yes, it is necessary.

16.06.2005, 12:37
And me interests - whether you are imparted or vaccinated from a hepatitis (In or), whether take root or are inoculated from a diphtheria (the inoculation which is done or made each 10 years), from reproach?

Korju has had been ill in the childhood, therefore to take root or be inoculated there is no sense.

From a hepatitis And, diftetrii, a tetanus, poliomelita and a typhoid has taken root.

In it or this to year has taken root from a flu.

Py. Sy. How much or As far as I know, from hepatitis C of an inoculation is not present.

18.06.2005, 05:03
How much or As far as I know, from hepatitis C of an inoculation is not present

Yes, I have specified, there is no still a vaccine from a hepatitis With.

27.06.2005, 10:09
I here have looked or seen, here there is some information

http: // www.privivka.ru/vaccination/... mmendations.xml

http: // www.med2000.ru/privivka/1.htm

" A diphtheria, a tetanus. The inoculation against a diphtheria and a tetanus is necessary if term of the next bacterination or if you have passed or missed the previous bacterination has approached or suited. On a calendar the inoculation against a diphtheria and a tetanus is done or made each 10 years after an inoculation in 16 years, that is in 26 years, 36 years, etc. till 60 years. 90 % of adults do not remember it or this and do not know. "

29.06.2005, 05:23
Last 15 years I take root or am inoculated from a vernal encephalitis (at us in region huge activity of the ticks or mites who many or a lot of;much have ill).

There is an inoculation from a hepatitis In, is put about 10 years ago, like as in some years it is necessary to put repeatedly, she not for all life. Anybody by the way not in a course through how much?

04.07.2005, 11:34
Speaks, what for to the usual person to take root or be inoculated from a hepatitis if there are no casual sexual communications or connections, not the narcomaniac.

Cleverly certainly... From a series " with a lues prostitutes " are ill or sick only. And there are still carriers or bearers of a hepatitis in family, the senior relatives. In our family from the grandmother. When she died also it or her tried to rescue or save, all its or her four children tried to take donors for it or her. At check there was as she, and all its or her children as carriers or bearers of this illness or disease.

04.07.2005, 21:24
In some years it is necessary to put repeatedly, she not for all life - heard something, that years on 10. Look or see under links, the information can eat there.

08.07.2005, 19:08
Here, read: " How much or As far as racks the immunity created by bacterination against a virus hepatitis In?

In 10 years after bacterination 13-60 % of adults and children still have antibodies. But even if they disappear, within 12 years and more there is an immunologic memory that provides protection against disease. Observation over children, vaktsinirovannymi at a birth, shows, that protection lasts not less than 8 years. At the moment the CART does not recommend carrying out of a universal revaccination, however she can be demanded by at what sufficient immunity after a primary course of bacterination was not generated. "

http: // www.med2000.ru/privivka/vakgepa.htm

11.07.2005, 08:46
From a vernal encephalitis - I too take root or am inoculated annually. In an out-patient department to the husband have told or said, that we shall admit or allow biennial having rummaged, probably, because " there is an immunologic memory " ().

I here have reflected - whether it is necessary to take root from a tetanus. Before to take root from a rubella - I shall hand over a blood on antibodies, and on a tetanus will check up presence of antibodies?

16.07.2005, 09:29
Thanks, I do or make a conclusion what to take root repeatedly all taki it is necessary. Since I concern to group of risk.

Let's shake immediately the doctor in this occasion