Просмотр полной версии : Question to Leksi

Elena Jurevna
16.04.2005, 15:49
Leksi you wrote that at tja there were herpes of a figurative nerve if not difficultly write as it it was showed. At me last time happens so that place on which strongly starts to hurt or be ill;be sick sit as though me forced or beat only I think what herpes nibud sidalishchnego a nerve can at me. I understand has asked dullness only hochetsja nevertheless to know what is it such.

To live a life not the field to pass

22.05.2005, 15:09
OO and at you too most)))! I have pains in one party or side priests as though there has rubred. But only why only one!?)) actually mind or wit I understand, that last time for this place sizhe day, but nevertheless, sednja only have thought... And it can harmful herpes?))) though fairly to tell or say, I yet did not see only wait for its or his scale displays-still or -even))

27.05.2005, 11:10
You do not frighten me .kakoj character hurt?

27.05.2005, 12:26
And than I have frightened you?) yes I do not know, the pain is not present nakakoj, something type radrazhenija on a skin. At me such was in 8 class when was very much hudenkaja, and at school longly sat on a rigid chair)) And behind on the priest were same kruzhochki. Just now I think, what is it herpes)) And at you what plan a pain?))

14.06.2005, 12:44
Where the sister?????????????

23.06.2005, 01:00
Massage) helps or assists only) I Can help or assist))

23.06.2005, 16:37
Whether I do not know similar it on genetalnyj herpes.. All taki I think the doctor will better define or determine...

And here a figurative nerve.. It was shown all over again as usual... On a chin to a cheek.. And then has approximately passed... In an ear... On a head... And pains were potomts that the nerve is touched was... But he to any to me kazhetsja vvide any sores should be shown....

08.07.2005, 00:28
Whether there were at me in the childhood herpes eye that a nerve. A heap of spots on the face in rjadochek. Well by the way it is not strong they and decay. As there was a child than treated I do not remember, but the face particularly zelenkoj has been smeared. For a month have cured. The truth it or him knows a horse-radish as it if with vichem and without immunity. Though I have an impression, that here with proved vichem units, and the others it is more with a paranoia

09.07.2005, 09:19
Yes sdes it is more spidofobov and on aidse than gays)

17.07.2005, 07:43
People I certainly understand what not on a subject, but for some reason after falling from a motorcycle all body hurts me, signs I can not find)))

And if it is serious, in occasion of herpes was once on reception at one doctor, he to me has told or said, that it is enough often herpes is a sign and display of long stress so all we treat the reason stres.


Class, you are fast here all of us rasskusil, so VELKAM))))

20.07.2005, 04:24
In general where all tried to find whom nibud in a chat vainly.

21.07.2005, 16:11
At whom that))))

22.07.2005, 09:58
Stsilla it is possible or probable on a back at priests a muscle peretrenerovalas and there there are nervous just terminations or endings, the pain blunt gives in the priest. At me not so long ago was.. After -loading jobs.. Itself passes or takes place through certain time, somewhere week.. Though mozh also that another..