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16.02.2005, 01:16
On November, 30th, 2004

France. The vaccine promises.

The French scientists have informed on successful end of the first clinical tests of a new vaccine against a HIV, informs San Francisco Chronicle. Bacterination does not protect from a HIV, but considerably reduces the maintenance or contents of a virus in a blood.

The preparation was tested in Brazil on 18 volunteers living from a HIV who yet have not started to accept antiretrovirusnuju therapy. In 4 months from the beginning of tests the maintenance or contents of a virus in a blood in examinees has decreased on the average on 80 %. At 8 volunteers the maintenance or contents of a virus in a blood has decreased on 90 % and remains to those to the extremity or end of the first year of tests. And at 4 - was so low, that they could be ranked as that special category of people at which a HIV-infection after a becoming infected does not develop, and the level of a virus in a blood remains minimal.

Cost of bacterination (by estimations of researchers, it is required some injections of a vaccine in a year) makes from 4 up to 8 thousand dollars - less, than an annual course antiretrovirusnyh preparations which are accepted now by people from a HIV. Creation and test of a vaccine was conducted under direction of doctor Jean- Andri and Twist Lu from the Parisian Institute of researches of vaccines and an immunotherapy of a cancer and AIDS.

The structure of a vaccine includes so-called dendritic or arborescent cells (a kind of white bloody cells) and the killed human immunodeficiency virus. Despite of labour input of development or manufacture of a vaccine, scientific are measured or going to continue researches. Their purpose - to find out, the vaccine how works, and also - whether she reduces the maintenance or contents of a virus in other liquids of an organism.

Doctor Dzhej Levi from the Californian university in San Francisco considers or counts results of tests rather promising. If the maintenance or contents of a virus will decrease and in a semen bacterination of the people living from a HIV, will allow to avoid or reduce diffusion of a HIV among the population.

26.02.2005, 07:19
In general such news appear from time to time... We Shall try to live before industrial manufacturing a vaccine.

18.03.2005, 10:55
Well I also speak - to live it is necessary and to not think of everyones there suicides because of it or this.

26.03.2005, 13:39
And it is not necessary to think of suicides at all. And the more so to do or make.

Sasha 7777777
05.04.2005, 00:52
Sounds nicely)))

12.04.2005, 12:13
And here I believe what to live it will turn out not only up to prmyshlennogo manufacturing of a vaccine. I hope, sometime, when this site will lose the urgency, I shall come here and to meet all of you. It is interesting only, that by this time will discuss here and when there will come or step this light future...

Nina of Item
17.04.2005, 22:55
It would not be desirable to bring the spoon of tar, but it seems to me, the site will not lose a urgency, at least, the nearest decades. Farmkompanijam very much it is not favourable to let out or release radical agents of treatment, there will be medicines which you accept once a month or yearly, and live easy till an old age. Then, when the number infected will reach or achieve the certain level, can and there will be radical agents. I so think, who will disagree, the opinion can express. Once again I wish to be sorry, if to that that has spoiled mood!!!

18.04.2005, 15:53
Ruslan - vi pravi, taze situacia s gerpesom... Polno protivovirusnix preparatov, kotorie nuzno prinimat ' ezednevno ($$$) chto bi nebilo obostrenii, a vakcinoi pochti nikto ne zanimaetsia... (((

23.04.2005, 01:53
Sifon: while nobody died Of herpes.

Problem all that theoretically with our knowledge about VICHe and opportunities of a modern science while while is difficult to oppose this virus something. But, we shall hope, it nenalolgo.

07.05.2005, 07:26
Elf - vi zabluzdaetes'. Herpes mozet bit ' smertelen esli peredaetsia ot materi rebenku pri rozdenii. Vot posmotrite: http: // tray.dermatology.uiowa.edu/HSVCon02.htm

13.05.2005, 10:11
The herpes have no such wild statistics...., and such progression. The pandemic only, only starts to approach or suit to borders of well-being in the developed countries. In it or this as it is not paradoxical and the hope, with all following disappears. To take would like for today TSIFIR In 300000 TYSHCH in the Russian Federation, without taking into account other not registered, it, WHAT not electorate?, which meets all demands of the law on parties or sets, and in fact it is a way both to approach a vaccine and to provide treatment. Simply WHILE this idea TO UNTWIST nekomu.poka will not concern or touch in alive.... EH, ALL DEFINES or DETERMINES the CASE!

Igor ivas
19.05.2005, 18:53
kuk - konechno herpes daleko ne tak smertelen kak HIV, no im uze zarazeno namnogo bol'shee kolichestvo ludei. Tol'ko v shtatax bolee 50 % vzroslogo naselenia zarazeno HSV-1 i bolee 20 % HSV-2. Naselenie soedenennix shtatov okolo 300,000 000 chelovek. A imenno herpes sposobstvuet peredache HIV. Vidite, vse vzaimosviazanno...

31.05.2005, 03:59
Sifon, greetings. You really consider or count, that herpes primary, and HIV secondary. Why then herpes carry to oportun.projavlenijam at... .a concerning statistics likely with you I shall agree, it is rare when the president of such country as the USA the citizens calms or abirritates 15 mlrd.vlivanijami for the nearest years if to believe $$$.

09.06.2005, 15:36
Kuk - ja ne schitau chto HSV pervichnoe, a HIV vtorichnoe. Prosto nalichie jazvi, vizvannoi HSV, na polovix organax rezko povishaet shans peredachi HIV ot cheloveka cheloveku. Herpes deistvitel'no protekaet v usilennoi forme pri imunitete oslablennom HIV, no eto uze drugoi vopros. Eto lish svidetel'stvuet o nalichie u cheloveka kak HIV, tak i HSV. Toest ' esli bi sushestvovala vakcina ot HSV (herpesa) to vo pervix snizilos' bi kolichestvo infecirovannix HIV, a vo vtorix u tex, u kogo uze est ' HIV, bilo bi na odno oportunisticheskoe zabolevanie men'she. Ja privel herpes kak primer tomu, chto farmacevticheskim kompaniam namnogo vigodnee proizvodit ' protivovirusnie preparati (kotorie nuzno prinimat ' ezednevno) - a znachit ogromnie pribili $$$, a ne vakcinu, kotoraja bi ostanovila herpes, odin raz i navsegda.

14.06.2005, 00:15
Why, jobs on creation of a vaccine, including and at us are conducted. Theoretically it not a problem, but here while in practice all of them are not especially effective and has put here not kommertsializatsii and monopolizations and nevertheless in insufficient knowledge of the person of the nature of a HIV.

Though to reduce the price of treatment it is possible or probable.

18.06.2005, 21:29
Elf - " Why, jobs on creation of a vaccine " - idut to oni idut, no vot v kakom ob'eme po sravneniu s protivovirusnimi preparatami. Vot kuda nado smotret ' are conducted.

22.06.2005, 02:38
Directly in a point, SIFON!

22.06.2005, 16:54
The role of antibodies against a HIV is for the beginning unknown, how much or as far as their presence is capable to stop or prevent development of disease. And any vaccine or contains ready antibodies, or provokes an organism to their development or manufacture. Genic therapy, an another matter. But now it is far not the most safe procedure.

24.06.2005, 06:50

It seems to me, that the commercial approach if he now takes place to be, in the form of that scheme or plan about what you speak. On any temporary. The reason for that growing a pandemic which as not strange involves the safe layers in this process, thinking people, to that last examples in Kaliningrad, With-NONOiOOuN, Moscow .../. will naturally break stigmu in a society, process start up late but he has gone, and if he will find the organized forms of struggle for the right to live, even on the basis of today's obshchestven.organizatsy. Then also the president of the Russian Federation will echo Bush on December, 1st, in obrashcheenii to the nation, at the pregnant budget.

29.06.2005, 11:24
" Ja privel herpes kak primer tomu, chto farmacevticheskim kompaniam namnogo vigodnee proizvodit ' protivovirusnie preparati (kotorie nuzno prinimat ' ezednevno) - a znachit ogromnie pribili $$$, a ne vakcinu, kotoraja bi ostanovila herpes, odin raz i navsegda. "

The interesting point of view, how much or as far as I know many states already have begun release dzhenerikov anti-virus therapy, at what frankly having hammered on reception of corresponding or meeting licenses and deductions so something I do not see benefit large farm. To giants if so further also will go, and and will go, manufacture of therapy, will not bring in general any profit for legal owners.

01.07.2005, 05:32

Greetings. You are right, in fact it is obvious. I, shall repeat, what this problem begins kasatsja not only socially bezperspektivnyh people/which all on a drum or reel, including itself from here attention of the state, differently who to the machine tool will rise? Simply, again, salvage rolling-handwork the most drowning. Simply anybody sees nothing, while itself not vljapaetsja.

04.07.2005, 04:08
And I recently read opinion of any American scientist who is engaged a HIV. Almost what has opened this virus. He has told or said, that the science already knows about a HIV much more, than about any other virus. And medicines and have not thought up... The Conclusion... He considers or counts quite probable, that such medicine in general can not be. Basically.

Besides, sorry if to that has spoiled mood... At me has deteriorated, when has heard it.

08.07.2005, 08:43
Now practically it is impossible.

But in fact the science is not necessary on a place, in fact so?

11.07.2005, 03:58
Hope to lose it is impossible, do not despair, brothers!!! Hundred years ago, who could present a string, what we shall so sit and communicate with each other pressing on buttons?! The science is not necessary on a place! I am engaged in chemistry, much that varies, even in our poor country the science is not necessary on a place, I am engaged in substances which up to me anybody yet did not synthesize. A radical agent, can the nearest decades and will not be, but to live that all of us peerly we shall! To live as well as negative people, can even is better! When the number infected will reach or achieve the certain quantity or amount, uvidete, there will be radical agents!

12.07.2005, 13:05
Misters, All greetings.

The request first of all to local therapists. What your view on the offer to be isolated in a society or from the iUN?Ooa./offer has acted or arrived from above sm.glavnuju $$$ from 7.12.04./