Просмотр полной версии : Sex in a condom is safe?

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20.01.2005, 23:55
I.e. in a condom... When he is not damaged or injured, has not come off, is not rejected...

Yes? Or not?

Or this site one more greater or big lozhb under budgetary money?

28.01.2005, 22:36
smotria where it or him to dress

With tebia 275 rublei

22.02.2005, 16:01
And it is more polite, without such arrivals about "lie", questions to set it is impossible?

Read through- here it:


Safe sex is a myth - Lyudmila Stebenkova

Interview to chairman of the commission on public health services and protection of public health of the Moscow municipal duma.

This autumn in Moscow the announced social advertising campaign with a message ' Safe sex has started for a long time does not happen! '. Even long before the start she has caused or called the big public resonance which not always wore a positive shade. In turn in Moscow City Council speak, that the stock should become alternative to advertising of condoms and is called to educate teenagers about that, what is it the agent of contraception is not panacea from the illnesses or diseases passed sexual by. More in detail about the purposes and problems or tasks of social campaign to correspondent RBC daily Lade Fedorovoj has told one of its or her authors - chairman of the commission on public health services and protection of public health of the Moscow municipal duma Lyudmila Stebenkova.

- Lyudmila Vasilevna, what for in general to the government of Moscow was required to allocate budgetary money for prophylaxis of AIDS when series of funds during already long time spend programs on propagation of safe sex?

- The matter is that, in opinion of experts not only our city center of AIDS, but also it is simple the majority of doctors, ' safe sex ' in that kind which is presented our population by the international humanitarian organizations, does not happen at all. It is a myth which has allowed these organizations to master (only on official data) more than 40 million dollars for the last year, and in it or this year - twice has more. The basic part of these agents is directed just on advertising of condoms, as ostensibly a unique agent of prophylaxis of a HIV-infection. Initially to allow to participate in financing programs of prophylaxis of AIDS to manufacturers of condoms was the big mistake or error. Propagation ' safe sex ', spent in Russia within 10 years, has brought more by-effects, than advantage or benefit. We shall look or see at things objectively. In a situation of casual communication or connection with the unfamiliar partner a condom - without what or clauses - the most reliable mechanical agent of protection against the diseases passed sexual by. However and he does not give 100 %-s' protection, about it or this is written to instructions to condoms of any stamp. It is impossible to exclude factory marriage or spoilage, a casual slipping, damages during putting on or uses. And the main thing, that except for a HIV and hepatitises is mass of other infections passed sexual by and directly influencing on genesial health. Before the majority of these diseases, contrary to a popular belief, condoms leave women practically defenceless. ' Safe sex ' is not present already therefore. Even official 1-3 %, under the instruction of using condoms, their noneffective application, increased by millions casual communications or connections adjusted for probability of an occurring of the healthy partner and the carrier or bearer of an infection, and also risk of infection, also give the certain part from that majority of cases of a becoming infected sexual by about which I have told or said above. It is the statistical law of greater or big numbers.

Therefore objectively, as it is regrettable, the most reliable way of protection against AIDS - to weigh risks and to not enter casual communications or connections. A condom - the necessary insurance, but, alas, not a guarantee of safety. Programs of propagation ' safe sex ' as it is easy or light for noticing, advance condoms. As the appreciable part of money for these programs is allocated with manufacturers of condoms, all prophylaxis of a HIV is reduced to their advertising as commodity category. It is reception well familiar to experts in marketing when the concrete stamp moves ahead not, and the whole commodity category. The basic participants of the market, especially what are presented by the most recognized brands in this case win. And social advertising of a commodity category precisely is not. Yes, as a result of such programs sexly active population has learned to use condoms, that from especially hygienic point of view is reasonably useful. However we shall look or see at by-effects of programs ' safe sex '.

Any advertising is constructed on myths of a different degree of harmlessness. From advertising we know, that fruit yogurt on aromatizatorah, identical natural, protects children from all illnesses or diseases, and the deodorant does or makes the man by object of desire of all without exception of women. In the same key the concept ' safe sex ' mifologiziruet a condom as the universal and trouble-free agent of protection is literally from only. In one of brochures of known fund the following is written: on this party for certain there will be narcotics, you will lose the control over self, but all will be by way of if you have taken with yourself a condom! When I have shown it to one of senators of the USA, he nearly has not fainted and has achieved, that the Moscow fund specified by us has not received from America cent. Unfortunately, this organization and today continues the activity, advancing on the Russian market condoms of the concrete trade mark already on money of Global fund on struggle against AIDS. Condom it is artificial associates with sex victories, freedom, love - everything and moves as the justification of sexual untidiness and chaotic communications or connections. It has led to that among the teenagers entering age of hormonal changes, loyalty to casual communications or connections has sharply raised or increased. Interest to sex at this age is naturally great, and ' safe sex ' teenagers perceive programs as putting off or taking out of interdictions and tabu, public encouragement, modnost and compulsion of the introduction into a sexual life ' the earlier, the better '. And awfully suffer, if it is impossible. So was always (recollect Bivisa and Batheda), but last years has got simply horrifying physicians and teachers scales. For a year in Russia only it is officially made 1,6 million abortions, and each fifth abortion the girl has made is more younger 18 years, 10 % of girls begin a sexual life till 14 years, 4-5 thousand from them annually give birth or travail. Here to what loyalty leads to the early introduction into a sexual life.

- In what basic difference of the program approved by the Moscow deputies?

- We shall begin that deputies - not physicians, not psychologists and not advertisers, they any programs did not develop also nothing approved. We have allocated money that the present or true experts have borrowed or occupied in it or this. It or this professionals, and not only physicians of the Moscow center of AIDS were engaged in all - to that ' on a post it is necessary ', but also specially involved Moscow teachers, psychologists, experts in the field of advertising and information technologies. The concept of propagation ' safe sex ' sets a following choice: either to not use a condom, or to use a condom. We expand or dilate a choice and we add one more, the third, an option: having estimated or appreciated risks to refrain from suspicious communication or connection. The short of the new program consists that we, considering separate positive aspects of programs ' safe sex ', try to correct their huge by-effects. For this purpose we should enclose some facts in a head of muscovites.

First, we wish to inform up to an audience, that the condom, certainly, protects, but does not guarantee safety. The in itself condom is not the justification of a chaotic way of life.

Secondly, ' safe sex ' between casual partners does not happen. Be protected from AIDS - pick up any genital herpes (by the way, the case rate for last years was doubled by it or him, and the condom from it or him does not help or assist). Safe sex does not exist. There are rules of safe moral behaviour at which natural continuation of already developed close relations is also the sexual affinity between people which provides the responsible or crucial attitude or relation to the health and health of the liked person. Therefore we speak, that love and, the main thing, fidelity to the liked person - natural and effective protection against AIDS. Psychologists have convinced us, that today to the population, first of all youth, it is necessary to speak, that except for fleeting addicting basically exist also family values, parents which would like to see already adult children healthy. Thirdly, we tell, where it is possible to hand over free-of-charge analyses, we remind, that the modern medicine allows a HIV-infected of mother to give birth to the healthy child, and we give a phone number ' to a hot line AIDS ' on which psychologists not simply will help or assist, doctors, but also will explain doubting why all the same does not happen ' safe sex '.

And, at last, fifthly. I again would like to return to other infections passed sexual by. To the Same urogenital herpes. Believe to me as to the doctor: he is capable to put or render to the person of not less troubles, than AIDS. The sexual herpes are incurable, conduct to sterility or barrenness, deliver terrible sufferings. Thus when the infection is localized on pubic area, the condom against it or him is simply useless. A myth that the condom - panacea from all infections, has caused or called catastrophic body height of a case rate by sexual herpes which often proceeds in the latent form in Moscow. And similar infections on which in city unprecedented body height is observed, still it is a lot of. Unlike a myth about ' safe sex ', the new Moscow program helps or assists prophylaxis of these diseases.

- Who from experts has been involved in development (doctors, psychologists, artists)?

- Despite of the tender advertised by us for advertising agencies, in connection with it was extreme severe constraints of application forms for participation in itself not so much. The condition of the tender assumed participation only the large advertising agencies working in Moscow, thus having experience of realization of social projects within several years. Has won one of the largest advertising agencies. We, I mean not only and deputies of the Moscow thought, but also the experts working on this subjects in Moscow, are very happy with this job. Owing to correctly chosen style of submission of a material the purpose - to pay attention of the population to an existing problem ' safe sex ' - is already reached or achieved. On a view focus-groups of different structures, they realized or have realized all wishes of physicians and psychologists very stylishly, simply and more than intelligibly. The quantity or amount of calls on ' a hot line ' the Moscow center of AIDS has twice increased, even (though why ' even ') began to be interested about at night, whether really is not present ' safe sex '. Unfortunately, to some older persons has not liked ' a naked belly-button ' at the girl but what to do or make, if now so put on? There is no advertising campaign which would satisfy all. Such does not happen in the same way, as well as ' safe sex '.

- Your initiative on creation of the program not has been met by all with approval.

- Yes, certainly, funds which within 10 years lived on the grants allocated on ' safe sex ', are extremely dissatisfied with that the state any more does not wish to allocate money for advertising of condoms as a commodity category. They managed to receive money not only from manufacturers of condoms, but also from the international charitable organizations. And the last hardly begin to give money that contradicts a position of governmental bodies. By the way, one of funds in hope to affect or influence the decision of the Moscow government even has allocated money on small, but appreciable campaign on dropping loyalty of public opinion to the new concept of prophylaxis of AIDS. In three central newspapers there were almost identical clauses or articles in which journalists completely from own face, without the uniform expert comment, ' carried ' this information program in down and ashes, moreover with pathos of legal experts accused us that, say, vozvernulsja 37-th year, and deputies wish to forbid illegitimate communications or connections. Meanwhile I shall repeat, we simply expand or dilate a choice, reminding about a variant of leaving or care from risk through refusal of casual communication or connection. We could intimidate an audience as it was offered by some physicians. But have gone or send on the most democratic way. On the Internet ' offended ' the humanitarian organizations have hung out the post card in which silly children and adults approve or confirm, that now, having seen our stickers, will spit on condoms and will start to enter casual communications or connections to the right and on the left with the double force. Hardly this nonsense demands a refutation, but nevertheless. Any psychologist will tell or say, that the widespread effect when to the person starts to concern or touch here is maintained, that ' I have understood all, and here others are sillier than me and everyone will mix '. So people, including what IQ is at the very bottom of a scale are inclined to think all. Certainly, psychologists of the center of AIDS fine know, with what contingent it is necessary to work, and before start of the program have tested and have rechecked all up to last comma. And now, later 3 weeks after occurrence of boards, we fix in audiences or approval, or interest, but in any way misunderstanding. The thesis of authors of the post card about a competition in social advertising where on one board use of a condom (' safe sex '), and on other is advertised or promoted, that ' safe sex ' does not happen, also is insolvent. Simply because social advertising of use of a condom as from infectious diseases in Moscow nobody will admit or allow agents of safety. Because she commercial. And it is necessary to pay for commercial of money, instead of to take people for a ride about ' the social responsibility '.

- In what stage now there is a realization conceived? How it is planned to estimate or appreciate efficiency of the program if at all such problem or task costs or stands?

- While boards are placed only. In November in the underground there will be stickers of the program, and at schools - information posters (in them, unlike materials ' safe sex ' which resulted or brought parents in a shock, all is written very tactfully and strictly), television rollers will be already soon placed. Efficiency of the program will estimate or appreciate difficultly enough, but already today by the increased quantity or amount of references or manipulations on ' a hot line ' and the Internet-resource www. Nedug. Ru, it is possible to speak about high efficiency of the program which purpose is rising knowledge of the population about AIDS. Than more people knows about AIDS, ways of infection with a virus that they are is better armed for struggle against this disease. There are various techniques of definition of efficiency of sold social programs, they will be used by us on end of the project. It I can already tell or say now: to measure efficiency of our program by quantity or amount of the sold condoms we shall not be.

Is a single stock or only a first step? Whether job in this direction in the further the Moscow legislators will be conducted?

- In an information society prophylaxis of a case rate of the population (it is not important, AIDS, a hypertonia or an obesity) - a question of information politics. Personally I consider or count, that translation during children's time of such mediaproducts as ' -2 ', ' Famine ', ' the Temptation ', ' Sex in the big city ' and existence of teenage magazines of type Yes, Cool and ' Gallantly ', to put it mildly, does not promote improvement of an epidemiological situation on AIDS and the diseases passed sexual by (ZPPP). While the agent of mass communications do not become more responsible or crucial and will not cease to destroy or blast family values, ZPPP will not stop. In affairs of prophylaxis ZPPP physicians, alas, cannot compete to the mediaindustry if the state will not force it or her to meet.


RBCDaily. Ru

Z.Y. In the above-stated the OFFICIAL POSITION of administration is sounded, to argue in this topic - I do not advise...
Moderator R

Planer Vitaly
26.02.2005, 06:08
I am pure or clean!

19.03.2005, 21:32
I am pure or clean!

El sueno de la razon produce monstruos

30.03.2005, 19:48
Moderator R

17.04.2005, 18:01
With a holiday comrades!


22.04.2005, 06:14
Moderator R

03.05.2005, 18:07
And fsetaki safe sex is.

Kashnikova Olesya
17.05.2005, 02:44
Already many have understood it.
Who has not found happiness in a life,

To work that in the underground has gone!

28.05.2005, 09:38
Certainly is bezopastnyi sex.

It is just necessary to wash arms or hand more carefully

With a holiday dear or expensive comrades.

From us have stolen takoi velikii a holiday, but ia with the comrades on a party or set I believe, that we eshcheo prodem on streets shoulder to shoulder under red banners

And chorus or mansion we shall sing Internatsional

05.06.2005, 09:58
I.e. in a condom... When he is not damaged or injured, has not come off, is not rejected...

Yes? Or not?

' Safe sex ' nevertheless is not present. Pour water or inflate or distende - is not present. No because never also was not. Programs ' safe sex ' have been started in the gay-community and have really shown excellent or different results because carried out a specific target: to lower probability of infection of a HIV-infection at sex contacts to casual partners in night clubs. A problem or task of conservation of genesial health before ' safe sex ' did not put for the abundantly clear reasons...

These programs developed and representatives of the same subculture carried out, then they have distributed these projects to all society as a whole. And a society at us, basically, geteroseksualnoe, that is genesial function is important also, and it is not simple health, they are children, family, the house.

The condom certainly ' protects, but does not guarantee safety ' against a HIV-infection, hepatitises B, C and a lues, and also is effective enough agent of barrier contraception, also reducing risk of infection of men a gonorrhea.

It is correct for the majority of cases. But character of sex contacts, and presence of traumas and defects of a mucosa of genitals, and the general or common hygienic skills of partners matters also. As to women by virtue of anatomic features of a structure of genitals or genitalias, the condom protects them to a lesser degree.

To chlamydias, trihomoniazu, uroplazme, gardnerellam, to a mycoplasma, condylomas and genital herpes he not a handicap. Proceed these infections can even asymptomatically, but inflammatory diseases are a principal cause of loss of genesial health - it will not be simple children.

Condylomas look or appear is simply more tremendous, do not pass or take place, them usually the laser evaporate: ' fantastic ' procedure.

The genital herpes do not recover, look or appear the same as and on a labium, only settle down kuchnee and cause where greater or big sufferings - some exacerbations in a year are guaranteed. Besides to all partners all remained sexly active life needs to be told about itself and with zamiraniem hearts to wait for reaction... It is possible and not speak, but then do not take offence, if that...

With children a problem - nevynashivanie: medicines are, but them accept all duration of gestation, and they cost or stand not simply dearly or expensively, and even very much, that is ' not for all ' and guarantees of success do not give.

And pores in latex are not guilty, is simple during a coitus a condom well closes only a head of a member.

So to do or make to sexly active population?

First, to know the truth about ' safe sex '.

Secondly - to choose sexly safe model of behaviour, namely: the responsible or crucial attitude or relation to a choice of the sexual partner, USE of the CONDOM, application of an antiseptic, visiting of the doctor at the slightest doubt: or to choose the present or true feelings and mutual fidelity.

05.06.2005, 14:09
Eh, is better the moderator would close this subject.

Let's consider or examine the alternative points of view.

Clause or Article in studio. Who to dare?

Or I shall find it or her and I shall publish.

Only it is quiet. Only the weighed arguments.

08.06.2005, 18:21
To close not for long - and here to publish here opuses vodovozova, paid by manufacturers of condoms, it is not necessary... Tenderly so I ask - did not suffice still me to duplicate this delirium about me personally.

At us only own ideas, unimportantly are welcomed, alternative they or not - here and "to dare" it is not necessary, write, and all.

In my opinion, the message of our campaign is simple - the condom is important and necessary, but to hope only for it or him silly, it is necessary to include sometimes and a head... Certainly, this message as a knife acute kondommejkeram, but most to think it is possible?
Moderator R

16.06.2005, 07:41
Golvu it is necessary to include obzatelno therefore as she includes a head.

That ivletsia the main condition ispolzovania a condom

18.06.2005, 08:36
I personally am not the manufacturer of condoms. And in transitions from arms or hand them I do not sell. But unstable natures can start to be afraid of sex. All possible or probable diseases will be considered as punishment zv "sin" of the sexual certificate or act. In fact often forget to notify that infitsirovannost the herpes-virus (both the first, and the second type) make on different data from 95 up to 100 %, in fact he is fine passed at a kiss in a cheek. A papilloma-viruses can pass and at close hand shake. And the bacterial vaginosis develops from uncontrolled reception of antibiotics or contraceptives more often. In development of a candidiasis these factors also play not last role. And the fact of sex for development of the given diseases is not so obligatory.

Simply having told or said "And", it is necessary to speak and...
El sueno de la razon produce monstruos

Olga C.
22.06.2005, 07:10
I too that type wished to tell or say if so categorically to declare about condoms, people really will start to be afraid of sex, and most terrible it that will begin fobit after each sexual certificate or act with use of a condom even if he was not torn, etc.

22.06.2005, 17:34

A variety has gone.

Excuse itself I can not shchaz go deep into a subject.

23.06.2005, 18:35
For those who of " that type " - you though know about what in general speech? Descend or go on fleshke ' Safe sex... ', look or see all bilbordy in all screen - where there a categoriality?

I do not like kukarekujushchih from another's words...

' I Caruso did not hear, but that to me Mojsha by phone has sung - full dung! '
Moderator R

29.06.2005, 14:44
Citations with bilborda: patients, AIDS - lethally dangerous illness or disease, group of risk..... It is not correct somehow a little............... It not seems???

02.07.2005, 10:53
And campaign not for demonstration of political correctness is spent, and not for us if you personally, certainly, it is not simple "potreshchat" here have glanced, and + - she for those who, blindly having believed in skazochku about ' safe sex ', risks to appear or with us, or the patient dermatovenerologa for long years.
Moderator R

Pedan Michael
07.07.2005, 11:08
Secondly, ' safe sex ' between casual partners does not happen. Be protected from AIDS - pick up any genital herpes

Well and would do or make campaign against disease by herpes.

Nata S
10.07.2005, 14:07
People, excuse for such tactless question, but I all cannot calm down with the simtomami, about lymphs on a neck have ENT told or said to address to the surgeon because it any more because of cold, he at me is more hollow year is inflamed (can also on a nape the surgeon is not assured or confident), and and here?! Well and so in what a question, I all think, I can has not noticed as prez. Has torn? Tell or say if he is torn it at once noticeably? I cannot recollect that situation, all as in a fog, like was not torn, but and suddenly I have not noticed

10.07.2005, 15:55
The surgeon here what he deals with such problems so an ENT of the rights.

And about a condom when he is torn, it is appreciable. An another matter, that he could be poor-quality initially, factory marriage or spoilage.
We give in to our passions not because they are strong, that is why, that we are weak

Alexander the MAGICIAN
12.07.2005, 14:12
eh a pancake then are really right in the stock, that prez does not guarantee, here the pancake has got, I damn itself