Просмотр полной версии : Interestingly....

18.03.2005, 12:38
Interestingly... To learn or find out chyo- mnenine about read through....

http: // virtu-virus.narod.ru/book.html

19.05.2005, 12:07
It would be desirable to believe, that there is no HIV that there is no AIDS.. But illness or disease is.. And that the HIV infected become " derelicts of a society " is already public ignorance and inability to look ahead.

20.05.2005, 03:50
001, what illness or disease?

10.06.2005, 09:42
The HIV - exists..

30.06.2005, 13:58
But at you It is brisk it or him is not present

01.07.2005, 21:10

I did not come, but I represent, what there is written (Djusberg? Sazonov?).

There are opinions pro and contra. Both those and others are equally engaged. Both those and at others have weak spots in the concept.

Problem in that the virology is to you not physics, not astronomy and at all or even not chemistry. The science is still very young. We still till now do not know how much on a planet exists various viruses, we do not know their evolution, we do not imagine mutation opportunities even a virus of a flu.

Each person at present has two opportunities:

1) To accept one of concepts of a HIV.

2) To act or arrive on unit of microbiology of any -soil faculty of any nearest university and to try most to understand a problem.

14.07.2005, 21:05
And I here esteemed, that there is written. The idea certainly interesting, but in the resulted or brought arguments is a lot of disharmonies. And if the HIV does not exist, then that is passed at not protected sexual contacts? On what the HIV-tests react? Proceeding from such point of view it turns out, that I without any risk can absolutely be engaged in not protected sex with the girl in whom have found out ostensibly a nonexistent HIV in a blood. If no other infections at it or her are present, I should catch nothing! Never! But on how much I know, after such contacts at the person results of all a HIV-tests naturally change! But in fact it is absolutely different tests, but they react to something certain. Also it is any virus. And time all of them change the result for the person having not protected sex with other person for whom results of these tests positive, means all the same this virus is passed. And a virus load too somehow consider or count. And if something can be measured quantitatively, it means something really exists!

Conclusion: or I in the reasonings have admitted or allowed serious mistakes or errors, or there is such virus (well or something or something else possessing properties, similar to properties of a virus) which always is present at a blood of people in which it is found out by a HIV, and always is absent at at whom the HIV is not found.

It is necessary to prove, that this virus (or something or something else) really suppresses immunity.