Просмотр полной версии : The express the analysis

18.06.2005, 09:17
People where to make? At me toksoplazma, ipat.... The Citation:

- What is infection TOKSOPLAZMOS and how it or her to clean or remove?

Is the infection caused by a microorganism, named toksoplazma, she can develop at depression of immunity at a HIV-infected. Address in the Center AIDS on a residence.

20.06.2005, 13:11
If not a secret the citation whence is taken?

Well in general, I can tell or say, that a sign with this illness or disease not on naslyshke. I do not know how much indissoluble there are these two illnesses or diseases (a toxoplasmosis and a HIV), but in me have found out (while???) Only the first. Strongly I hope, that 2-nd and will not find out, but while it is necessary to wait. A toxoplasmosis in itself the nature of disease absolutely different has very similar signs from OS of a HIV-infection, however: a HIV - a virus, a toxoplasmosis - the elementary microorganisms. The greatest chances to catch a toxoplasmosis at children who are picked sandboxes and in the ground where dogs and cats spoil. Further on probability there is a public catering, including various shaurmy, little tables in the street with meat dishes of not clear parentage itd. If you have a suspicion on a toxoplasmosis, to you is necessary infektsionist, and the parasitologist is even better at once. In M- there is a center on a toxoplasmosis at Botkinskoj-. In other cities probably too there are any centers. The most interesting, that while I have collected all necessary information or inquiries (urine, a blood, a direction itd) for consultation in in the center, me to treat have disappeared necessity. Patients of a male in general as I have understood, treat very seldom. The chemotherapy from this infection has many collateral negative effects, therefore choose from two harms smaller. To me, for example, even despite of 25-fold excess of norm or rate of concentration toksoplazm in a blood, have all the same given up in treatment. In opinion of the doctor the organism itself should cope with an infection, let even in due course. However for women, especially those who plans pregnancy, this illness or disease is extremely dangerous - to not manage therapy.

06.07.2005, 05:31
Ficus.. The citation from one of the sites opened on search "spid" in jandekse.

Relaks, men, subtracted or deducted, that this chicken-feed at 30 % of the population of the ground... SHashlychok has eaten badly fried or badly fried thoroughly and greetings. Sexual by this business is not passed.

14.07.2005, 19:58
And still, if you during dialogue with doctors will get any interesting data for this illness or disease, do not take the trouble to lay out in this branch. I by the way nevertheless have entered the name on reception in a little bit paid med.tsentrov to infektsionistam for the toskoplazmoza. Usually in medicine how much doctors are so much opinions, in any case it will be useful to listen to conclusions-references from an alternative source.

Well and on the bill of the analysis on a HIV, in any case it is useful to hand over it or him even easier or simply to sleep without night nightmares.