Просмотр полной версии : Question at whom +

23.03.2005, 03:22
Greetings to all with + .tak as my question especially to vam.mne it is necessary statements in occasion of nado.razdrazhaet not on shutku.da and bespolezno.itak hardly hozhu.a has put here in chyom.zhivu now in general in the another's country (temporarily... On affairs) .vot already nedelki two as itself became disgustingly chuvstvovat.postojannye giddinesses, the thrush in a mouth greater or big pieces in a mouth, grows dumb the left arm or hand, hurt glaza.no more disturbs not eto.lomit strongly under a jaw and in the field of shei.uzly have bulked up and strongly vydajut.ne it is necessary even palpirovat.lomit so, that it already starts to irritate me!!! The pancake, here even to talk, not with kem.eto affects quantity or amount smoked sigaret.koroche, hrenovo mne.kak often with you such happens? Only without having pinned... plz.

10.05.2005, 19:20
With me never such was.. Also I am ill or sick for a long time. I even for illness or disease consider or count it. Fine I feel

11.05.2005, 14:39
Yes has forgotten to tell or say. Success and convalescence

04.06.2005, 15:08
And at what here a HIV?

Not easier to descend or go to the doctor and all to learn or find out?

11.06.2005, 22:19
GOLD WORDS!!!!! Urgently:

THE DOCTOR!!!!!!!!

22.06.2005, 08:56
The infection, something in a sort of a mononucleosis can be easy or light, the angina is not present? By an eruption has not become covered, the stomach, a liver do not hurt? Descend or go to the doctor, there those will precisely tell or say, at me a HIV and such was not.

27.06.2005, 09:07

Vibes Rider (+)



Well and now I shall a little express, I know the given person, at it or him already more than one and a half years immunoblot doubtful, and doctors (including pr. Kravchenko (how much or as far as I remember so its or his surname sounds) with Sokolinki, pr. Garaeva with -that of Virology) anything intelligible cannot tell or say in occasion of its or his status, therefrom and nik such +-

P.S. For Dopa.

I all taki am inclined to believe Garaevu.

01.07.2005, 16:28
Here those time... mozht chyo brand new?

08.07.2005, 09:55
Listen and at me in the childhood taokoe was also a thrush in a mouth smeared what that with rubbish and lymphonoduses. Whether an angina whether vospolenie I do not remember tochno.koroche be not loaded. Till now (mashaala) I anything nebolna serezno.razve that that is why that have begun a gastritis. By the way prompt ktonit that in such what string national terapija.nenavizhu tablets. Me from them flattens

12.07.2005, 01:20