Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist advice or council - situation SOS

I, I
14.02.2005, 15:55
Children or Guys,

Prompt what to do or make - I feel, that has picked up a HIV (All advertising about reliability of condoms - full hernja - I had some contacts to prostitutes - a condom never has torn and I finished after the member has already been taken out). The general or common delicacy 2 weeks ago has begun. Now I have following signs - for a week the weight on more than 4 kg though lymphonoduses not uvelichiny anywhere - from time to time burns down (axillas has decreased and an inguen), vision, white scurf in a mouth and on labiums noticeably lately has worsened. Tomorrow I am going to to hand over PTSR on antibodies. My question - how to fall asleep at night - at night at me begins kolot axillas and in an inguen and as optimum to prepare for the positive analysis. If who has a personal experience - write.

05.04.2005, 18:31
How you could will pick up vich if at you have not torn prez? Delirium.

olga vla
19.05.2005, 14:16
I do not understand and I can not reconcile, that at me can be a HIV. Represent not one contact to lives without elastic and could pick up. At me all attributes (as write in clever editions - diarrhea (though now summer - all salatiki eat, etc.), weight reduction (on 3.5 kg for last week), a burning sensation axillas and in an inguen, deterioration of vision delicacy (which already keeps about 3 weeks). Fall asleep last 4 days I can only by means of Glitsyna (because all burns axillas and in an inguen and ideas everyones climb). Therefore I during lives would give all for, that to me in hospital on a trace. To week have told or said too a word (delirium) which you have written.

12.06.2005, 18:46
And that you think except for vich other viruses not pridumanno with a similar symptomatology. And without preza probability small to pick up vich and with prezom there is no probability.

28.06.2005, 21:39
Can other illnesses or diseases and is with such signs, but at me the picture is played 100 %. As in all textbooks. Though on lessons of medicine in Universities direct or refer. So, that a tomorrow's campaign and delivery PTSR I consider or count last afternoon the whole stage of my life (when all was more and less well). And with condoms I think, that Vatican was right, when in the past to year has declared that condoms false (and unreliable) an agent of protection, which companies have thought up this or thus what to create at people visible presence of security.

30.06.2005, 14:21
Prove to Vatican that he is not right, be not afraid hand over the analysis! I think there is nadejatsja that all at you by way of!

Evgenie Vasil
03.07.2005, 07:20
And I am not afraid to hand over the analysis. I tomorrow shall go to hand over PTSR in Sklif on the Prospectus of the World (there speak bysto - in current of day the analysis do or make). Simply myself I try to prepare for a new stage of the life. I live a week with the slogan - a problem or task a minimum - to fall asleep to 2 one o'clock in the morning and a maximum - to live a trace. Day. In any case, thanks for support

03.07.2005, 23:56

In sklife do or make only IFA, and to hand over it or him it is necessary not earlier than in 3 months. Well though you will hand over, unsubscribe. Success to you.

Olga M.V.
04.07.2005, 20:19
I recommend to hand over the analysis on IPPP, including on a HIV.

05.07.2005, 13:14
I too think, that on IPPP it is necessary to be checked up. On a HIV too up to a heap it is possible, but on correctness of Vatican you will argue, if the result, that very much hardly God forbid will be positive, by that you have told about yourself.