Просмотр полной версии : Prompt...

04.06.2005, 17:00
Who can can prompt, on how much it is possible to trust the handed over analyses on a HIV? I handed over four times, during 2th years, last three months ago, in me have found out nothing... And to my friend yesterday have given the positive answer... What now to do or make?

22.06.2005, 06:30
Whether for a long time have given positive?

Can a virus in a blood while a little therefore it is not infectious through sexual contact. But it while....

27.06.2005, 05:14
All peerly in 3 months to be checked up it is necessary.
Who has not found happiness in a life,

To work that in the underground has gone!

01.07.2005, 03:22
The answer to him have given yesterday... The matter is that my former husband has the positive status, but we do not live any more with it or him about two years and time I handed over all this analyses and at me found nothing... Whether the mistake or error is possible or probable?

01.07.2005, 18:36
Ia certainly not Osder

But even takoi loh as ia I understand, that tebia has carried by.

Blogodari the god.

02.07.2005, 23:25
MBU, olden time, you in what sect have entered? Or at you klava with implied sense????

02.07.2005, 23:51
Has carried by with what? If my friend had a positive status means probably and at me... I simply think, he can vsetaki at me was, simply have not revealed at once? Whether it is possible or probable?

03.07.2005, 00:01
About healthy

De half of letters Klava does not print

I shall dismiss eio on a horse-radish, especially already prielas