Просмотр полной версии : Question about an incubation interval or a delitescence

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07.02.2005, 05:09
Here all of rest does not give me an idea about an incubation interval or a delitescence. What is it such?

I so understand what is it the period while a virus not razmnozhetsja? Or how? Or it is made multiple copies but to be at not defined or determined level? And if that is not made multiple copies at what level to be...

And how much or as far as I understand, the incubation interval or delitescence can last years? Then I at all do not understand as it is possible to speak about terms for testing (though IFA though PTSR) since the quantity or amount of people from a HIV in an incubation interval or a delitescence is not known...

Also it turns out that the acute stage can appear suddenly and in years, time she nachinaetsja when konchaetsja an incubation interval or a delitescence...

In general a short of concern in that that if a HIV in an incubation interval or a delitescence unless it is possible to define or determine it or him in such status?

It is given
13.02.2005, 16:52
What for all this is necessary for you. Better zajmi purchase of rattles.... Distract itself

28.02.2005, 23:08
Dasha, I try... But I can not... In a head one probabilities - vrojatnost mistakes or errors of the test or dough, probability of occurrence of antibodies to it or this a line, how much the virus on this term on the average should be, what term, probability of infection...

I to myself have spoiled happy paternity, a cretin!

03.03.2005, 15:55
And you can.

Vladimir Tishin
13.03.2005, 00:01
The young man, closely or attentively read the literature on a HIV if do not understand from the first, re-read once again and more thoughtfully.))) an incubation interval or a delitescence is active duplication of a virus before occurrence of antibodies which in turn press a virus. Antibodies appear at 90-95 % of people in 3 months after infirovanija, at 1-5 % the given period is tightened or delayed till 6 months, and 0.01 % of people (they as a rule are hardly sick and without a HIV) the given period can be tightened or delayed till 12 months. Therefore also it is spoken about reliability of analyses handed over in recommended terms.

27.03.2005, 21:17
Lisss, what you think in occasion of my chances with ucheiom my results? Only if it is possible on-, instead of as on a telephone hotline.

They good people, kind. If to them to call and skazt that to you have made preilivanie korvi from infetsirovnnogo the donor, they and then to you chances to catch yours - stremjatsja to zero will tell or say that. But it is necessary to hand over analyses. In 3 and 6 months.

I agree, they do or make correctly, but to me hochetsja to learn or find out the truth...

04.04.2005, 17:19
And from what you have taken, what on a telephone hotline great humanists sit???? (you it or him not the matchmaker and not the brother), they there inform you the real facts. Also believe to me never they to you will tell or say, that at a hemotransfusion your chances aspire to zero. And analyses really to hand over it is necessary in 3 and 6 months. And about chances)))), they at you very much and very quite good))), but we not in a casino and on maps such things a horse-radish you will estimate.

P.S. Moreover on a telephone hotline specified this site practising doctors often respond.

12.04.2005, 14:05
On a telephone hotline so do not do or make.

The incubation interval or delitescence is the period before occurrence of antibodies or displays of an acute stage. The acute stage usually begins in 3-6 weeks after infection. Antibodies at 90-95 % of people appear by 3 months, at 5-9 % by 6 months, at the others within a year. Years the incubation interval or delitescence cannot last, differently would not use methods IFA which define or determine antibodies. Even quarantine of a blood of donors makes no more than 6 months. The longest period of a window which has been registered, - 11 months.

Doctors cannot diagnose an acute stage, basically, even.

During a window analysis PTSR since during this moment the virus load is high is effective. It is then effective IFA.

Your chances to be a HIV-infected zero now. You will receive a minus.

22.04.2005, 07:40
Thanks, children or guys! Have explained popularly!

And besides one more joyful news at me - has just called the wife at it or her too-!!!!

fobitsja now it will be easier. Interestingly, in maternity homes probably IFA do or make?

28.04.2005, 14:23
By the way, SJ (it is possible so for brevity?)

I have correctly understood that an acute stage are consequences pojavjaenija antibodies?

Whether also there is such concept as a defined or determined level of antibodies? And that is somehow strange, the virus happens at not defined or determined level, and the antibody - whether is not present that?

08.05.2005, 05:04

I shall be responsible proffesora for Jane, an acute stage this consequence or investigation of introduction and fast replikatsii a virus in a blood. The defined or determined level antitel-is a level sufficient for definition of antibodies the test-system. The virus load extremely seldom happens not defined or determined, these are units from thousand. Is more often it happens because of negligent statement of the test or dough or a wrong selection prajmerov for the analysis. Antibodies very much the other way begin activly replitsirovatsja after an acute stage.

Doctor Lisss. responded to your questions)))))))))

14.05.2005, 05:41
Thanx a lot Dr. Lisss!!!

Then two questions:

1) it is interesting, how with prajmerami business is on Sokolinke? Can costs or stands in other place perzdat? So skzat what on different prajmerah to check up

2) And why you did not begin to trust the tests? It is possible to not respond

14.05.2005, 20:33
http: // www.primer.ru/std/gallery_std/aids.htm - and you read it? Here there is a schedule of occurrence firusa and antibodies?

Lisss, and what is this (+) which you handed over analysis IFA?

21.05.2005, 13:30

Answers are simple up to a disgrace, nedoverjal to the analyses therefore why also you now do not trust them))))

Prajmery for the analysis are practically identical to all territory of Russia and they define or determine a genotype of a virus widespread on territories of the Russian Federation, in Russia it is a little manufacturers of these tests. Therefore analysis PTSR is practically identical everywhere.

26.05.2005, 09:53

IFA defines or determines antibodies, the antigen is an analysis on an antigen to fiber 24, he usually appears approximately one month prior to occurrence antilel

31.05.2005, 03:38
For brevity it is possible for Jane, SJ - it is impossible.

Lisss all has told or said correctly. To me to add there is nothing.

05.06.2005, 21:50
Soldier Jane

I study the professor)))))))))

Yours faithfully doctor Lisss.

09.06.2005, 15:20
And in Crimea the same genotype of a virus as the Russian Federation interestingly?

In Moscow it is a lot of "women of easy virtue" not from the Russian Federation!!!

It that means PTSR will not work on them?

14.06.2005, 04:13

Therefore works, that it is a lot of them

16.06.2005, 04:03
Lisss, and you where on an antigen did or made?

Whether and correctly I understand, that on aintigen it is possible business or affairs in 2 months (90-95 %%) and 5 months (99 %). And what sensitivity at it or him and specificity?

16.06.2005, 22:11
Lisss, and I here in this statejke (http: // www.weandyou.org.ru/info/diagn/005.phtml) have found here such phrase " Service of public public health services of the USA do not recommend to apply to diagnostics of a HIV of an infection standard analyses on an antigen p24 in situations besides when it is a question of banks of a blood and plasma; it is connected by that by available estimations average time from the moment of revealing of an antigen p24 before revealing antibodies against a HIV makes 6 days, and not all recently infected patients have obnaruzhimye levels of an antigen p24 (1. "

20.06.2005, 07:11
And I also do not speak, that it is necessary to hand over on an antigen the analysis to me simply did or made the ?oa-TEST which included also the analysis on an antigen

21.06.2005, 20:56
And where such do or make?

23.06.2005, 04:09

In scientific research institute of Virology in Moscow, on street Gamalei

24.06.2005, 11:44
Interestingly, has called on a teleTNF of trust ajds.ru, has told it or him the situation speak 95-97 %% that at me all ok

And on a telephone hotline of the Moscow cent AIDS is spoken that with 99 %

And to that to believe? And in ejds advise to hammer and not zdavat more (considering that the risk to catch was small), and in the Moscow center all the same advise peresdat in 3 months.

Yes, and l/at on a neck ache a bit...