Просмотр полной версии : Subject about uncertainty and pavor.

02.06.2005, 05:37
The pavor and neizvetsnost always frightens people.... Tell, how you operated or controlled yourselves when learned or found out, what +? Also what to make, to not go mad?

11.06.2005, 18:23
To get drunk. To recollect that, what is it not yesterday happens, any time already is but nothing varied yet has not learned or has not found out. To read through all that it is possible about VICHe and AIDS in a network. To descend or go to the psychologist in AIDS-center.

19.06.2005, 05:40
I so think, that among + too there are many good people..... The impression is made, that at vich + there is a world..... Probably, all and not so is bad!

19.06.2005, 17:15
1. At registration enter to itself an interesting name, for example such: ** @22 and!! Or such FrAggWvvEk-OppDm then everyone will understand, that you are a person original. OO

;-D Rules of behaviour at a forum.

20.06.2005, 06:33

Well for feature of some people to climb another in soul?

23.06.2005, 17:58
I do not climb.... I ask advice or council....

26.06.2005, 18:21
And I here do not consider or count myself as the newcomer from other worlds, same as everything, even it is better than many, well is sick a little that at us healthy people it is a lot of?

28.06.2005, 00:46
Newcomers from other worlds- they (bajus)

28.06.2005, 17:54
Not bois) you are not lonely in the Universe)

29.06.2005, 01:48
They dwell on remote nooks of the Universe! Soon they will come for U!!!

Newcomers, mlja, a part the eighth http: // sm.smilik.ru/1115664815.gif http: // sm.smilik.ru/1115664815.gif http: // sm.smilik.ru/1115664815.gif